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     EXPLOSIONS CONTINUED TO SHAKE THE building, making the duo guarding the missile grumble in annoyance. "Could he be any less disruptive?"

Akira sighed while shrugging her shoulders as another explosion was heard. "Guess not," she says.

"You know what, I'm just going to radio him," Iida voices while putting his hand up to his ear.

"Bakugou, come in! Give us a status report. Where are you?"

Said blond's voice is heard over the earpiece, "Just shut up and defend the weapon. I've got more important things to worry about."

Iida glances at the girl who's staring off at the wall before continuing to talk to Bakugou. "Are you forgetting what our mission is?"

He was met with silence, making him speak again, "Hello?"

After receiving no response, again, he concluded. "He hung up on me?!"

Iida turned towards the white-haired girl, deciding that if he wanted to win, he'd have to talk to her.

"Bakugou has gone radio silence," the sound of the boy's voice made Akira turn towards him, "Which means we have to take it upon ourselves to defend the weapon."

The girl shows a thumbs up, with a bored expression painting her features, which makes the blue-haired boy freak out. "THIS IS NOT THE TIME TO BE BORED. WE ARE VILLAINS!"

The girl tilts her head to the left, 'And he wonders why I call him uptight..'

Iida and Akira start to strategize on what they can do. The boy even showed her his villain impression, making her laugh slightly at how idiotic he was.

"What's your quirk again, Bourne?"

She stares at him before lifting her palm. "Light manipulation."

He nods his head, "Pretty impressive quirk if I say so myself."

The tip of her finger starts to glow a bright yellow, making a bean shoot out. "I guess so, it could be better, but, we're all here to improve and become heroes so it'll improve for the better in the future."

The robot-suited boy nods once again. "Agreed."

They both continue to strategize before the topic of Bakugou is brought back up.

"Bakugou has a villainous side. And that's exactly what we need to succeed in this mission."

Akira nods, while he continues, "Which means, we need to temporarily devote ourselves to criminal intent."

The white-eyed teen stares at him in disbelief. "Or we could just act normal and win," she notes.

Iida pays no attention to her, as he continues to speak. "Yes. We won't fail this trial and risk bringing shame down on our family's name. That means..."

He balls his hands up into fists, giving the girl a determined look, at least, that's what she thinks he's giving her. She wouldn't know, he's in a robot suit.

"We must now embrace evil. To become a hero."

The boy turns around, starting to practice his villain impression, once again. "Behold! I am the personification of villainy! Me and my partner here will take down any hero that stands in our way."

He glances towards her, seeing if she'll play along. She sighs before crossing her arms, making her voice a little bit deeper than usual, as well as a glare replacing her once bored look.

"No hero will ever defeat me and my partner here, because we are the baddest there is."

An airy laugh is heard from behind a pillar, making the two turn towards it with their hands raised, ready to fight. "Hm? Uraraka, is that you" Iida announces, still doing his villainy voice.

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