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     IT WAS SILENT AS EVERYONE TOOK IN what the freckled boy in their class did. Until, Uraraka spoke up, "Nice, he's finally showing us his true power!"

Iida holds a hand above his glasses, trying to get a better look at his classmate. "But his finger appears to be broken now," he says in thought.

The uptight male continues to say his thoughts out loud, "Just like in the exam. This quirk is very odd."

"It wasn't a very pretty throw..." The blond named Aoyama says.

Bakugou's eyes widen in disbelief. Explosions start to go off in his rough hands before he dashes forward to get to Midoriya. "Hey!" He exclaims.

"Bakugou, stop being like that," The white-haired girl muttered.


Bakugou continues to run towards the poor screaming boy before Aizawa captures him in his scarf. The blond starts to struggle in the cloth, "What. Why the hell, is your scarf so damn strong?"

Aizawa sighs before explaining, "Because it's a capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy."

The older man's voice got more deeper and louder, "Stand down."

Midoriya, or Deku, took a step back to avoid the angry blond. "It'd be wise to avoid making me use my quirk so much. It gives me serious dry eye."

Class 1A's Homeroom Teacher: Shota Aizawa. Quirk, Erasure.

The white-eyed girl let out a laugh, but quickly covered her mouth, hoping that nobody saw it. Little did she know, a pair of heterochromia eyes were watching her. 

"You're wasting my time now," he voices while letting the binding around the crimson-eyed blond go.

His hair falls back down gracefully, "Whoever's next can step up."

The green-haired teen shuffles around the blond before running over to Uraraka and Iida. "Ouch, is your finger okay?" The small brunette girl asks.

He smiles reassuringly, "Sure. Fine!"

Bakugou is still standing in the same spot before the white-haired protagonist walks up behind him. "I'd advise you to walk back, people are already saying stuff," She says, snapping him out of his thoughts.

The blond turns around and glares at her. Brushing past her, he quickly returns with the rest of the class.


A black-haired girl walked up to Akira, getting ready to ask her a question. "Hello," the black-haired girl says while bowing slightly.

The white-eyed girl turns around and is met with a tall girl, whose hair is tied into a ponytail. "Hm?" She hums, letting the tall girl know she heard her.

"Excuse my rudeness, but I was wondering if you could hold my feet for the sit-ups?"

Akira smiled at the girl, "Sure, I'd love to."

Akira sat down in front of the girl and held her feet while she did the sit-ups, counting too, just in case. Once the girl was done, she turned her head to look at Akira, "If you want, I can do you as well. As a thank you for holding my feet down."

Akira nods her head, letting out a small thank you. Sit-ups had never been her forte, but she was still on the healthy side for her age division.

After a good few minutes of doing sit-ups, she had finally had enough and called it quits. Standing up, she thanked the girl before they both got ready for the seated toe-touch.

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