THE DOORS TO THE FAKE CITY OPEN, making everyone quiet down. Everyone stands there, waiting for someone to countdown the time so they can run in.

"Right, let's start!"

Everyone still stands there, just watching Present Mic. "Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles. Run, run, run, listeners!"

Everyone starts running in, while one particular teen stands back. 'If I go now, I'll be trampled by everyone else, however, if I stay here for too long I might not get any points..'

After another two seconds, she runs into the fake city. After running for a few seconds, she comes face to face with a three-pointer. "Target acquired," it voices robotically.

The girl smirks, holding her palm towards the robot. In a split second, the villain melts. 'Hm.. this might be easier than I thought.'

She continues to run around, gaining points quickly with each robot she comes in contact with. Present Mic's voice is heard over a microphone, "Six minutes and two seconds left!"

Akira sighs at the amount of time still left. 'If I keep going like this, I won't be able to get any more points.'

She groans in discomfort as the drawbacks of her quirk start to sink in little by little. A two-pointer pops up out of nowhere in front of her.

Glaring at the machine, she forms a small ball of light in her hand, on closer inspection it seems it's a small yellow star. Immediately, she throws it at the robot. The faux villain gets impaled by the star, leaving it immobile.

It explodes not even a second later. All of a sudden, a loud rumbling is heard in the middle of the city. Curious, Akira starts to run towards it.

After running for a good minute, she reaches the heart of the city and is met with the giant zero-pointer.

Fear. That's all she felt.

The thing was ten times the size of her. Everyone around her was running away in fear. But she didn't.


How could she? That thing was big, it's no surprise she was scared. Everyone was.

She turned around, getting ready to run away from it to get more points, but stopped when she heard a male's voice.

"My leg it's stuck! Someone help me!"

Stopping in her place, she turned back to the voice. She was met with a yellow-haired kid with a black stripe in hair. He looked like Pikachu in her eyes, but she wouldn't tell him that.

'I can't risk saving him... I only have 47 points..'

She tried to walk away from the kid, but couldn't. Something in her mind was telling her to stop and help the kid.

Sighing in frustration, she ran towards the kid. "Hey! Please, help me get out of here," The yellow-haired male said quickly.

She spoke softly to not panic the boy anymore than he already was, "I'm here to help you. Don't worry."

She gave him a smile in hopes of calming him down, which worked successfully.

'Dammit. I can't do it correctly if I'm in the shade.. stupid tall ass robot.'

She gritted her teeth. Lifting her hand, her palm started to glow a bright yellow. Slowly, the robot started to implode. The robot started falling backward, letting the sun reach the place where the male was stuck.

She places her palm on the concrete, the light starts to gravitate towards it, which starts to melt slowly.

"Woah! How are you doing that?" The teen asks in amazement.

She looks up at him through her bangs, making him gulp nervously. "It's my quirk."

Once the concrete finally melted, the boy stood up. He smiles at her, "Thank you so much!"

She gives him a thumbs-up and walks away.


'Shit. I let myself get caught up saving him that I forgot about the whole exam..'

She continues to run around, spotting two three-pointers. Holding up her palm once more, it glowed a darker yellow than before.

"Nighty Night," She told the robots as the light made them explode from overheating.

"Times up, listeners!"

The girl looked up once she heard the words, slightly nervous as she only had 53 points in total, and from what she saw, most of these kids have impressive quirks.


Sitting in her dining room, she was eating a quick thing of ramen, starting to get even more nervous the longer she waited for her U.A. results.

A knock was heard at her door, making her look at it strangely. Getting up, she walked towards her door and opened it with little to no ease.

No one was there. She looked around before looking down, a letter was sitting on her doormat, with a seal of U.A. holding it together.

The white-haired hurriedly grabbed it before rushing into the living room. Once she made sure she turned the lights off, she opened the letter.

'A disk?' she thought.

She held the letter upside down, trying to see if there was a trick to the letter, but the disk fell out instead.

Once the disk fell onto the table, it lit up and a hologram of All Might showed up.

She stared in disbelief before two words fell out of her mouth, "All Might?!"

"I am here! To give you your results!! You got 53 points in total, by getting the villains, but.. there was another factor we didn't openly say. Rescue Points!! Young Bourne, you scored 40 rescue points. Your heroic action of saving the boy was something a true hero would do! Welcome, Young Bourne, you are now part of the Hero Academia."

The hologram cut off.

Tears were coming out of the young teen's eyes. Her phone started to ring, lighting up with her best friend's face.

Slowly reaching over, she answered the call. "Akira, are you crying?"

Said girl wiped her tears, "No.."

"Did you make it in?" Hinata said, sadly.

Akira took notice of her friend's voice, "Are you okay?"

Crying could be heard on the other line, "I didn't make it in, Akira..."

The girls' eyes widen. "What do you mean," She starts, "We're supposed to be heroes together.."

"I was one point away from making it in..."

Akira started to cry again. "You couldn't have made it in. We're supposed to grow up and be Pro Hero's together, dammit!"

Hinata continued to cry on the line, sniffling every few seconds. "I'm sorry, that I'm the reason we can't follow our dream of being pros together."

The girls continued to talk all night. Even though Hinata didn't make it in, she convinced her friend to continue to live their dream, for her sake.

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