Twenty-Five: Zach

Start from the beginning

"How have I been acting weird?" He settles on playing it safe.

"Don't act like you don't know." A look of realization appears on Liz's face, "It's the painting. You recognized it."

"Yes, I did.." Zach has never been able to resist Liz, especially when she was so concerned. He would give anything to make sure she never has to be concerned about anything ever again.

"Was it where..." her voice trails off, leaving her and Zach in silence. Zach knows exactly what she was talking about. The lights and sirens all come back to him, overwhelming Zach. The empty shells, the blood, the dead bodies, they all come back, filling his senses.

A few moments pass, with nothing but the sounds of their beating hearts to comfort them.

"I really don't want to talk about it, at least right now." Liz doesn't answer him, only bringing him into a hug that he could easily get out of any moment he wants to. He doesn't shy away from her warm touch, instead leaning into it. Zach decides to let his guard down, it's only with Liz after all. Tears streak his face and his eyes slowly become red.

If anyone were to ask Zach Elsher what exactly happened, he would tell them that nothing happened and they need to shut up.

"Are you alright?" Liz hesitantly pulls away, leaving her and Zach standing across from each other.

"Yeah. Thanks, Liz." After a moment of thought, he adds, "Don't tell anyone about this."

A playful grin appears on her face, "And why should I listen to you? I think I'll go tell Chase right now." She starts down the hall before Zach hugs her from behind and lifts her in the air, stopping her from moving.

"Hey! Let me go right this instant, Zachary!" Liz yells, unable to hide the smile from her face. When Zach ignores her, she wriggles out of his hold. He barely comprehends what is going on before she has him pinned on the ground. His face is pressed into the ground as Liz sits on his back.

"Alright, Liz. You can get off me now."

"You know what? I don't think I will." Zach can practically hear the smirk that rests on her face.

"Come on! We both know I could easily get out of this."

"Oh? Is that so? Then why don't you do it? Come on, Elsher, show me your amazing skills."

"I wouldn't want to risk hurting that gorgeous face of yours, now, would I?"

"I'm gorgeous? Well, such a compliment should be rewarded." Liz puts a finger to her chin, as if she were thinking deeply, "I guess I could let you up." She stands up, holding out a hand. Zach takes it and lets Liz pull him up. They stand there for a moment, just looking into each other's eyes.

The silence is broken by a loud crash.

A dark figure tackles Zach and he grunts when he and his assailant hit the ground in a rolling heap of muscle.

"What are you—"

The figure punches Zach square in the jaw, causing him to shrink away in pain for a split second before zoning in and twisting himself around the man, getting a good look at his face.

"Mr. Volkov, what the hell do you think you're do—"

Sasha knees Zach right in the pills and he doubles over in pain.

"Zach!" Liz cries out. He shoves her away when she tries to step in the fight. Zach Elsher doesn't need her help to fight an idiot like Sasha.

"I'm fine," he grunts.

"Stay out of this, Beth. It's between me and your boyfriend here..." Sasha's eyes flash in warning to the woman.

Beth. There's that name again.

"You don't get to call her that!" Zach shouts just as Liz says, "He's not my boyfriend!"

Ouch. Really Liz? I'm here picking a fight, and you dare to bring up that fact, the one that makes me hate myself for losing you? Low blow.

Sasha seems to have the upper hand as he manages to maneuver himself on top of Zach before proceeding to pummel him in the face, making blood drizzle down his face.

"Sasha, you get off him right now!"

"This is between two men. I won't get off him unless Zach insists he needs your help."

"Like hell I do!" With Sasha momentarily distracted, he uses this opportunity to twist himself in such a way that puts him on top of the Russian.

And to ensure his victory, he kicks the man in the guts multiple times.


"Both of you stop!" Liz yells. "What is happening?"

"I loved her more than you ever will," Sasha growls, a deep, ugly sound. "She's the only woman I ever loved and you stole her from me!"

With a final cry, Sasha lunges at Zach with his knife, landing right in his chest. Zach gasps as the knife digs into his skin and manages to push Sasha away before falling onto the ground with a loud thump.

"Zach!" A muffled voice shouts.

Who said that? Where am I?

"You!" the voice says, dripping with deep contempt. "How do you think that I ever loved you?"

Zach thinks he hears a scream and a cry. Another body plops onto the floor beside him and the blood pounding to his ears seems to get louder and louder.

"I'm here, don't worry."

The face of an angel looks up at him as he struggles to breathe.

"There's a first aid kit in here. I'll go get it."

The angel leaves Zach alone in that dark room and he wonders who she is. Then a sudden realization comes upon him, one of which is nearly overwhelming and causes his eyes to water at the thought of death.

Liz. Eliza. Elizabeth Allen. My partner, my best friend, my love...the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. No matter how short it may be.

"I'm back," Liz says. "Don't worry, everything will be alright."

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