Eleven: The Host

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Many people think that they can get away with things, and most do. But after seeing what someone very dear to me has done, I've decided to play ghost and get payback. Justice shall be served, and perhaps as a bonus, some of these wretched souls will see how terrible their ways are and have a change of heart.

And if they don't, I can always do this world a favor by eliminating them.

In the parlor, more commonly referred to as the drawing room, the Players continue to argue. How amusing that they think I cannot hear every word they say!

It was most pleasing to watch Elizabeth break down in her rival's arms and to see that everyone is now suspicious of Samantha Long.

I am very curious to see what they are going to try next.

"Guys, we can't keep doing this," Jennifer says, but it seems that her words are lost over the loud clamor of those in the room.

What is she up to?

"Hello?" she asks. I can tell that she is getting frustrated. With a large sigh she brings her fingers to her mouth and blows. The sudden noise startles poor Otto, and everyone in the room goes silent.

Oh, poor Otto! Such trauma comes from what his parents had done, but I can't say I feel sorry for him. What he has done might be worse than how his mother tortured him. I'll bet he still feels those burns though.

That's okay.

I still feel the flames that tried to engulf me the day someone attempted to take my life. They're burning deep into my flesh as I curse the name of someone I once loved; someone I gave life to.

Only for them to try and take mine away.

The world knows just what kind of monsters are out there and I regret that I've created one. At the time, it wasn't like I was Frankenstien, but later on the enemy had gotten to her, making her their own little monster.

They had gotten to my baby and brainwashed her, turning her against me and all that is good.

Now they, and all the others, including their offspring, shall pay.

I'll make sure of it.

"Did you have to whistle so loudly?" Jason groans, rubbing his temples with his two forefingers. Oh, if only the others knew what secrets he harbors. Now that's an entertaining thought.

"Yes," Jennifer replies before moving to stand atop the coffee table. "Listen up, y'all!" Her light voice bounces across the room like the voice of an angel singing in the heavens, captivating her audience.

You fools. Do you know who you're dealing with?

She will be their demise, I tell you. Just you wait and see. That girl knows how to use a knife and isn't afraid to demonstrate.

Jennifer waits until all eyes are on her before she begins to speak.

"We can't keep fighting like this. Fighting won't get us anywhere! If we want to get out of here alive, we've gotta work together to find an exit!"

Oh Kelser. If only I can read your thoughts!

"And how do you suggest we do that?" All eyes turn to where Katarina stands in the shadows, holding a cigarette.

Ugh! I hate smoking. Don't these young people know how terrible it is for their lungs? I'm almost tempted to put it out myself, but even an idiot would know that isn't a wise idea.

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