Chapter 1 corruption

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As in where we left off at Y/n is walking with his three Nikkes Marian, Rapi, And Anis are headed to the destination which is a long walk ahead. But Rapi then stops and asks Y/n a question.

Rapi: Y/n is this really your first time being a commander?.

Y/n: hm? *Turns to her* well yeah.

Rapi: it's just strange that the Ark never had a really young commander.

Y/n: hmm.

Marian:... What?.

Rapi: Nothing. But anyway, you're the commander of this squad here and out.

Y/n: Thanks for the info.

Rapi: And if you don't have any objections, I'd like to go over our current course of action.

Y/n: Thanks Rapi.

Rapi: Ok I'll brief you. 46 hours ago, we lost communication with a nikke squad that was patrolling this area.

Y/n: Hmm ok I'm listening.

Rapi: They went completely dark, so we decided to send out a search party.


Rapi: During our search, an accident resulted in the death of our now-former commander.

Anis: The only problem is that the deceased commander was the one who knew the coordinates to our destination. You wouldn't happen to know about that, would you?.

Y/n: no, I don't know.

Anis: I figured as much.

Y/n: *sighs* If only I knew.

Anis looks at Y/n and pats him on the back to comfort him.

Marian: I know the coordinates.

Y/n: You do?.

Marian: mhm I do know the coordinates. That information was input into my system when I was sent out on this operation. I'll take lead. Follow me.

Y/n: *Nods*.

Anis: Oh... Okay.

Marian turns to Rapi asking her questions as well.

Marian: And you, are you called Rapi?.


Marian: You failed to protect your former commander. Who are you to call someone else a novice?.

Y/n: Marian please that's enough.

Marian: They're putting their lives on the line just like we are. If I hear you talk like that again, it'll be the last time.


Marian: But commander I was just-

Y/n: It doesn't matter Marian, that was really rude of you.

Anis: Woah, let's settle down! No need to get all riled up.

Rapi: Fine, I misspoke. I'm sorry.

Y/n: No need to apologize Rapi. Marian is the one to apologize.

Marian: But-

Y/n: No buts now apologize Marian.


Y/n: Don't do it again ok I don't want to see any of you fighting each other.

Anis: He didn't get himself into a tizzy. Definitely not an ordinary commander.

Y/n: *Giggles and smiles*

Y/n: *Giggles and smiles*

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