Chapter 0 fall

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Ow my head it hurts so bad still man I really need to get used to this I wonder if I move or anything oh well I guess not probably.

???: BA-01 DOWN! BA-01 DOWN!.

Y/n then opens his eyes a little bit but his vision is a little blurry.

???: please respond! We've been shot down!.

Y/n gets a confused on what's happening right now he tries to get up and keeps trying.

???: BA-01 DOWN! BA-01...!.


???: useless piece of...!.


???; commander I can't get through to the Ark!.

Y/n POV: Commander? I'm a commander? But I'm too young to be a commander.

???: Commander?.

Y/n attempts to move more but still can't get up he keeps going until he gets up. But then he starts to move his hand a little bit.


Y/n keeps moving his hand but all the sudden he couldn't move it anymore.

Y/n POV: what the I can't move my hand anymore but why?.

???: No! You're going into cardiac arrest...!.

Y/n POV: come on I need to get up!.

???: A...AED...!AED!.

Y/n then starts to feel something on him

???: charging...!

Y/n is not sure what is happening to him.


A Shock then wakes Y/n up, after he woke up his eyes catch a beautiful girl.

A Shock then wakes Y/n up, after he woke up his eyes catch a beautiful girl

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???: commander! Are you ok?.

Y/n is left speechless and doesn't know what to say.

???: can you hear me? Smile if you can hear me!.

Y/n starts to smile so that way it can let her know he is ok.

???: finally! Can you tell me which section you're from?.

Y/n gets up and breathes for a moment and turns back to the girl.

Y/n: section? I don't know what section I'm from?.

???: damn It well nevermind at least you're ok.

Y/n: by the I never got your name.

Marian: my name is Marian nice to meet you commander.

Y/n: nice to meet you Marian I'm Y/n also why did you call me Commander?.

Marian: because you are.

Y/n: but I'm too young to be a commander I'm just a kid.

the first child commanderWhere stories live. Discover now