😤 Tantrums 🤯

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Rohit's POV

So right now I am standing in front of mahi bhai's house contemplative whether I should go inside or not .

" I don't think it is too late to run from here " I mumbled to myself when I felt someone's little hands hugging my legs .

Ro : princess
I said while picking up Ziva in my arms

Ziva : hello chachu

Ro : how are you zivu baby

Ziva : I am fine chachu . Did you bring me chocolates

Ro : let me think

Ziva just frowned at me

Ro : how can I not bring my princess chocolates
I said while taking out chocolates from my pocket

Ziva just hugged me tightly while taking chocolates from my hand

Ro : is your papa at home

Ziva : yes chachu
Replied Ziva with a sad face

Ro : what happened Ziva ? Why are you so sad ?

Ziva : papa is at home but he is very sad

I was about to reply Ziva when I saw sakshi bhabhi

Ro : hello bhabhi

Sakshi : hi ro

Ro : how are you bhabhi

Sakshi : atleast in better condition than your bhaiya

I was speechless and clueless about what to reply

Saks : don't take too stress on your chotu saa brain ( small brain)

I was planning with Ziva when I saw mahi bhai coming downstairs

Mahi : r-ro you here

Ro thought in his mind even I can't believe that I am here . But he didn't replied to mahi like he doesn't exist .

Ro POV end

Mahi felt hurt at ro's ignorance but he knew that he deserves this treatment after what he did

Saks : ro come and eat dinner and bring Ziva with you

Rohit was thinking of ways to punish mahi bhai while eating his dinner . I can ask mahi bhai to take my side whenever I and vi will fight or I can ask mahi bhai to give me special and extra attention then others during tour and while thinking all this I chocked on food .

Mahi made him drink water and patted his back to calm down his coughs

Mahi : are you okay kiddo

Ro : yes I am
Ro leaned into Mahi's warmth which he was getting after so much time later , but quickly made himself remember that he is angry with bhai

Mahi : eat calmly with your full focus only on food

Ro : thanks MS for helping me out but I will prefer you to not say anything to me

Mahi just went back to his seat and started to have his food with his head bowed down while time

In night

Ro was wandering in the kitchen to find himself something tasty to drink when mahi came down stairs and saw ro struggling to find something to drink

Mahi : if you don't mind I can make you chocolate shake

Ro is hungry but his anger is much bigger than his hunger

Ro : no I'll make it myself

Mahi saw that ro was struggling to make it so he took the jar from his hand

Mahi : I am making for myself if you want I can make one for you too

Ro : if you want to drink then you can make one for me too

Mahi started to make one for rohit and one for himself . He gave ro his glass and was waiting for ro to say something

Mahi : how is it

Ro : not bad
Replied ro in a cold voice
I will not melt down easily . Thought ro in his mind

Mahi's face fell at that but he managed to smile and asked " should I make another cup of shake for you "

Ro : no need
Saying so Rohit left the kitchen leaving mahi alone

In morning

Ro : what is in breakfast for today

Sak : aloo pranthe

Ro : really bhabhi give me fast

Sak : wait be patient

But rohit and patience didn't suite well in one line . He marched toward the kitchen.

Ro : MS is making food

Sak : yes , I present you shef mahi

Ro : actually I've already ordered food from swiggy that's why I won't be able to eat it .
Saying so Rohit left for his room

Mahi was hurt at that but didn't say anything

In afternoon

Ro was on his phone talking with juniors or if we can say listening their complaints about each other

Vi : okay shooo away all of you , I want to talk with my ro

Ro : aww , someone is dying to have a conversation with me

Vi : you lazy panda I don't have time to fight you , first tell me did you talk with mahi bhai

Ro : you told me that just go Ranchi . Whether I want to forgive him or not , this decision is in my hands

Vi : so you didn't talk with him

Ro : nope , let him struggle a bit more to earn my forgiveness

Vi : he is already struggling a lot ro

Ro : vi I forgive you all guys that doesn't mean l have to forgive mahi bhai too . He is one of the closest person to me . I won't forgive him easily .
Oh heck, I didn't even wanted you and jaddu to forgive so easily , but during your case you idiot , duffer, fitness freak got physical pain and in jaddu's case I was just too shocked to see him like that

Vi : like what

Ro : why do you want to know

Vi : okay , I will ask jaddu

Ro : yes you can try like he will tell you

Vi : please try to forgive bhai and bye

Vi quickly cut the call after saying last line . Not even bothering to listen ro's reply

Rohit was just starting at his phone and cursing vi when he saw mahi bhai

Mahi : ro do you want to go somewhere for a walk
Asked mahi trying his luck

Rohit really wanted to go outside since Ziva and sakshi bhabhi both were not at home but his determination is bigger than his boredom

Ro : no , I don't want to go anywhere with you
Saying that ro left for his room

This was the last straw for mahi who went inside his room and locked it from inside

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