🥺 comfort 😌 (part -2)

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After sometime kuldeep woke up Rohit and Rahul . He informed them that they have to attend the team meeting in half an hour . At first Rahul or sulking why do they have to attend a meeting now ?

Ro : why don't you want to join the meeting Rahuliya

Rah : because I want to cuddle with you
Said Rahul while snuggling more into rohit .

Ro : okay, I will sit with you in the meeting room

Kuldeep looked at Rohit with his infamous puppy eyes

Ro : okay I will sit in between both of you . Done .

Both of them grin at each other

Rohit went to his room and informed jinks about everything that happened

Jinks : very good Rohit . Now  what about seniors ?

Ro : about them ,  I haven't thought about it yet .

Jinks : what do you need to think ?

Ro : I have to think of many creative punishments which I can give them . I won't let them get off the hook so easily .
Smirked ro evily plotting a plan in his head .

Jinks pitied his other friends after seeing that look on rohit's face .

Jinks : may God bless them .

Both ro and jinks opened their room's door only to find rah and kuldeep at doorstep

Ro : what happened rah and  kul ?

Kul : woh ! Actually we thought that we can go with you guys

Jinks : okay, no problem let's go

All of them left for the meeting

In meeting room

The whole meeting room was shocked after seeing ro with his one arm draped around rah's shoulder and one around kuldeep .

They all came and sat on their chairs with ro in between rah and kul . Harry , Jassi and shrey saw that whole scene with burning in jealousy . But seniors saw that scene with a little bit of happiness thinking that at least rohit forgave someone if not them .

Ro : when will the meeting start ?
Asked rohit to no one in particular .

Vi came out of his trance after hearing Rohit's voice .

Vi : umm-m let's start the meeting

The meeting started but during the whole meeting Jassi , Harry and Shrey were glaring holes at rah and kul .

After the meeting ended Harry and jassi were in jassi's room with tears in their eyes .

Harry : will rohit bhaiya never forgive us 

Jass : no no Harry , rohit bhaiya love us very much . He will forgive us .
Replied a panicked jassi

Rohit who was outside the room heard them and decided to enter inside

Ro : how can I not forgive my little brothers

Saying so Rohit came and sat in between Harry and jassi .

Harry : you really forgive us bhaiya
Asked Harry while tears streaming down his face

Ro : why will I lie to you
And Rohit just pulled Harry and jassi closer . Harry was continuously crying apologizing but rohit noticed that Jassi is not crying instead he is staying emotionless .

Ro : Jass look at me

Jass looked towards ro with glossy eyes

Ro : I know it Jass that you are very guilty of your actions . But I forgive you . Please return back to your old self .
Asked ro with all the softness in the world

Jass : can I call you bhaiya ?
Asked Jassi in a choking voice

Ro : I am sorry bachha . I stopped you from calling me your bhaiya

Jass : don't apologise bhaiya . It was our fault that we didn't trusted you at first place

Ro : forget it bachha

Said rohit while consoling a crying Jass and harry .

After an hour both of them were not crying but yet hugging rohit tightly from each side thinking that he will disappear .

Ro : do you guys know where is shrey

Harry : he went to his room

Ro : okay you guys wait for me , let me bring shrey here first

Jass : is it important for you to go

Ro : I've forgiven all of you so it is only okay to cuddle with you guys only after I console shrey too , right

Harry and Jass both nodded at Rohit's statement but still didn't left him

Ro : okay fine I will take you for an ice-cream at night

Both Harry and jassi instantly leave rohit at the mention of bribe and in greed of spending more time with rohit .

Rohit went towards shrey's and jaddu's room in which jaddu was panicking seeing shrey cry

Jad : calm down shrey , if you will cry with this speed soon there will be a tsunami in our room . I don't even have money to pay for compensation or book a new room .

Shrey : but why didn't rohit bhaiya didn't forgive me

Rohit saw that at the mention of that incident even jaddu stiffened and for once in a rare time he was not joking about it . Jaddu was about to reply but I beat him to it saying

Ro : and who told you that I didn't forgive you

Shrey asked while sniffing that " why were you hugging rah and kul only , not me "

Ro : well because they asked me to and took effort of apologizing instead of mourning with others who made the same mistake as them
Replied ro coolly while taunting at jad

He is hurt at the fact that his team didn't trusted him at the first place . According to his logic he can forgive juniors because they are juniors but can't forgive seniors and mahi bhai since they knew him from much before the juniors came . Breaking his train of thoughts rohit moved towards shreyas and hugged him and in turn Shreyas literally settled himself above rohit with his arms and legs wrapped around him tightly .

Ro : calm down Shreya , i am not going anywhere .

Shrey : you can address me as anything , bhaiya

Ro : that toh I would have called you anyway but thanks for giving me the licence Mrs Shreya Iyer

Shrey in reply just snuggled more into rohit making Rohit's mood sour since he wanted that sarcastic shrey back whose tounge was as sharp as scissor . Rohit was thinking of different ways to rile up shrey when he noticed that jaddu is still standing at his place looking down . But rohit just ignored him , not even bothering to ask him to sit beside him .

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