Chapter 2(Chosen Family)

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19 November 2023

Natalia sat on the balcony of her building overlooking the small city of followers that she had built. This was her legacy, her sweat, blood and tears. It was the first thing she had gotten through to doing after she had lost her essence.


20 December 2022

"I want nothing to do with a horrid being like you. This will never work, you are too corrupted and evil", Caleb sneered as he looked at Natalia's teary face.

"Please believe me Caleb, I would never do something like that, please Caleb", Natalia cried as she begged Caleb.

"Then who else could it have been, huh? Was it just a pure coincidence that the person that ended millions of lives looks like you, talks like you, walks like you, explain that to me please, I'm curious to know", Caleb shouted as he threw his arms in the air.

"I have a sister, Caleb, a twin, she did this, not me", Natalia cried.

"Oh, so I'm just supposed to believe that you have a twin that you've conveniently never mentioned till now? The moment you're in trouble, a twin suddenly spawns. I don't know how stupid you think I am but that's a new low, but what did I expect from a murderer?" Caleb spat in disgust at Natalia.

"We just met, I didn't get the chance to tell you about her"

"Just save it, I could never be mated to a person as vile as you, a murderer. I want nothing to do with you Natalia Summers. We will never be anything. You are not my mate, you will never be"

"Caleb, no", Natalia cried as Caleb walked away leaving her to cry on the ground.

**(End of flashback)

Natalia's heart clenched as she remembered the day she lost Caleb, her essence, the day she turned into a monster, a murderer. She never intended to turn into a monster, she just wanted the world to feel her pain, her loss, her suffering.

She shook her head as she remembered that all of that had led to her gaining a loyal empire of followers that would do anything for her. These people were her real family. They would never betray her.

As much as Natalia claimed that she had changed, she would never truly get rid of her old self. She cared about the people that she called her family. She could deny it all she wanted but they all held a special place in her heart. She had lost her blood family but that had led to her gaining a more special type of family, her chosen family.

Natalia smiled as she looked down at the people that had helped enact her revenge. They all had the same thing in common, they had all been scorned by the world, shunned and betrayed. They were hurt and needed an outlet. They were warriors with broken hearts.

The people here were either rejected by their mates, betrayed by family or had just lost their need for life. This city served to give them a purpose. A reason to roam the earth.

Natalia was their leader, they followed her and in turn she took care of them. Her giant family.




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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