Chapter 5: 162 Candles

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It's my brother's birthday, Stefan's. 162 years old and still looking 17. I am carefully wrapping his present while an episode of Gossip Girl is playing in the background, I am pretty impressed with the gift I have managed to acquire for him. Buying presents for my brothers has gotten harder and harder every year. What are you supposed to get someone who has been alive for over a century?

Despite what I found out about my friend a few days ago I am trying to keep my mood light. My brothers don't know I have been trying to find the man who turned me, my best friend. Nicholas. After everything that happened with Katherine back in the 1840's I let them believe I stopping seeing Nick, we rid ourselves of anything to do of that time.

"Knock knock." I hear from my doorway, my head snaps up and I see a girl standing in the doorframe. Not just any girl, Lexi Branson. Stefan's best friend and my ex-girlfriend. A smile grows on my face and I launch myself off of the bed and at her. I throw my arms around her neck and pull her close, her scent that of strawberries and wine. "What are you doing here?" I ask, feeling like a kid of Christmas.

We pull away from each other and move further into the room. Lexi's eyes trace the room as she answers "I couldn't miss out celebrating Stef's birthday. Plus any excuse to see you." She shoots me a wink and I roll my eyes. Lexi and I didn't end things on bad terms, in fact we are still very much in love and I would do anything for her but it was tiring having to hide who we are and how we feel. By the time it became safe for us to be able to express our love for one another, well she fell in love with a human and married him.

"Where is your brother anyway?" Lexi asks and I shrug, falling back onto my bed. "Brothers." I correct "and I have no idea where either of them are. Stefan is probably with his girlfriend and Damon off causing chaos somewhere." Lexi snorts, taking a seat at my desk. "Both your brothers are here? What's that been like?" She asks, she has never hidden her dislike for Damon. Lexi blames him for Stefan going off the rails and killing everything in sight.

I finish wrapping my brothers gift and set it on my bedside table. "We've only been here for two months and I've already had to stop them killing each other a hand full of times." My friend snorts and I smile, despite that being the truth. My phone buzzes and I look down at it, it is Vanessa reminding me that we are supposed to meet at the grill with her sister to talk about magic. I curse under my breath and shoot from the bed.

"I have to go meet a friend at the Grill. Want to come with?" I ask despite knowing the Bennett's aversion to vampires. I am one of the only exceptions because I am also a witch, I don't blame them though, vampires are notorious for manipulating witches for their gain. Lexi shakes her head, following me from the room "nah I think I'll wait around for your brother to get back." I nod, embracing her before slipping from the boarding house.


I reach the Grill and spot my friend sitting in a booth in the corner. She waves at me and I head over, I spot Elena's blonde friend, Caroline sitting with the Lockwood boy. I ignore their stares as I make for Vanessa and Bonnie. When I reach the booth however, there is a third person in it. An older woman that shares similar features to Bonnie and Vanessa.

"Alia is is our grandma, Shiela Bennett." Vanessa introduces as I slide into a seat next to her. I offer my hand to the older witch but she just looks at me with curiosity. Vanessa clears her throat awkwardly explaining "I was showing my grandma your grimoire." Shiela is staring at me intensely, cuts her granddaughter off "I wanted to see the witch behind some of the most powerful spells I have ever seen."

I feel my face tinge with red "that's very kind to say, I learnt a lot from Bennett witches over the years." She gives me a satisfied smirk "now I hope a Bennett witch may learn from you." We all look at Bonnie whose leg is bouncing up and down nervously. She is looking over at Caroline and Tyler, as though she would rather be over there than here. A waiter comes over and I order a drink before turning to the youngest Bennett.

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