Chapter 4: Haunted

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"This is all you have?" I ask the man standing opposite me, I wrap my jacket tightly around my body, wishing I was wearing something warmer but when someone calls you and says they have important information right as you are about to go to bed, you leave as quickly as possible. Zane nods his head, looking from left to right nervously "I told you it wasn't much." He insists. I sigh, we are standing in the parking lot of Mystic Falls high school, no one would be here at this time, except for the lonely car who I assume belongs to a teacher but we will be long gone by the time they come out. I stuff my hands into my jacket pockets to stifle the cold "It's okay, it's better than nothing." I assure him, Zane gives me a soft, almost pitying look "I'm sorry I couldn't find out more." I try to shrug it off, clutching the paper in my pocket as though it was my lifeline "just promise me you'll keep looking?" I ask and he nods, before stepping backwards "I will, I promise." and then he disappears into the woods. 

I am on my way back to my own car when I see someone fall out of the only other car in the lot. It's the Lockwood boy from the Grill, he is scrambling away from someone and I see a girl come into view, launching herself at him. She has been turned, I realise as only someone who is thirsting for blood would be this manic. Without thinking, I race over to the two teenagers and grab the girl "get off of me." She tries to get out of my grip, the boy gets to his feet and almost makes a run for it but then my brothers appear, stopping him in his tracks. "What's going on here  Stefan?" The boy asks "What's wrong with her?" 

Damon glares at him "you, don't talk." Is the answer he gets and the teenage boy argues back "screw you dude." I snort at how brave he is acting now when 2 seconds ago the boy was look scared for his life. "Dude? Really? Dude?" Damon asks getting wound up now and Stefan notices this and warns "Damon don't" My elder brother looks at my younger before asking "oh come on, who's gonna miss this idiot?" I grit my teeth, trying to keep this girl in my arms despite her attempts to get free as I say "his parents maybe? Don't be stupid Day." It seems I have gotten through to Damon, however the boy punches him in the face. Idiot. 

"Don't you hurt him." The girl in my arms says and I can't tell whether she means Damon or the boy. Damon grabs the boy by the throat and compels him "forget what you saw here tonight. None of us were here." There is a slight pause before Damon throws him over the car. I roll my eyes at the theatrics of my brother but refuse to comment on it and with that we are gone. 

We get back to the Boarding house and Stefan takes the girl, who I now know is Vicky into the living room. "What were you doing in that parking lot Lia?" Damon asks me once we are alone. I shrug "Nothing, I was going to a walk." I lie, Damon however doesn't buy it and frowns at me "we don't lie to each other Lia, that's not our thing." I roll my eyes and cross my arms like a sullen teenager "I'm not lying Day, I went for a walk to clear my head. Stefan and I told Elena about 1864, my head has been a little scrambled." 

Damon's face instantly softens and he embraces me for a moment. This is the Damon I love, the caring, sweet Damon not the unfeeling, self-destructive one he becomes around anyone else. "I think I am going to go to bed." I say "let me know what happens with Vicky." And then I slip upstairs and into my room. 


"I dont understand why I have to stay cooped up here. Why can't I go home?" Vicky asks the next morning as we sit in Stefan's room, the curtains closed to keep light from getting in. I refuse to make her a daylight ring until she can prove she wont kill anyone, I refuse to put the humans in this town at risk. "Because you're changing Vicky." Stefan explains calmly as he writes in his diary "and its not something you want to do alone." Damon is flicking through a newspaper, sitting opposite me "there's nothing about that Logan guy I killed in here." He says "not a word." I sip my drink casually, feet on the table between us "maybe you didn't kill him?" I suggest and my brother scoffs "I know how to kill someone, I'm a pro at that now." I raise my eyebrows "is that something to be proud of?" I ask.

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