Powerless_night x male reader

257 4 14

Requested by: TheMonster_Within
Sorry if my writing sucks q_q im kinda not really good in english


I'm sorry about myself, i just like to put emojis




It was begining to turn midnight and I was still awake, my sleepy eyes starting to close as silence filled the air. Suddenly, My fucking cat ruined it! I woke up by his sudden screech and quickly got off the bed

"Simon, are you alrigh--"
I paused, seeing a giant shadow infront of me



"P-please don't scream! I am not going to hurt you!"
The shadow stepped a little closer, revealing himself. He looked [basically what Powerless_night looks]. (Im just to lazy on writing how you see him)

"...What the hell happened to you-",
Simon meows

"Uhmm.... Who are you?"
The man sighs,
"I am Powerless_night, w-whta about you?..."
His voice had a shakey and scared tone.
"I am (name of reader)!, Why are you in my house? And how did you get in here!?"
Powerless_night took a step back, unsure whether to say something it or not.
"Well....th-there we're some people who we're abusing me so- so I ran straight inside this house! Then, your cat me-meowed and finally, i meet you!"
"How did you get inside?..."

"I simply...opened the d-door..."
He fiddled with his fingers

"Oh, yeah ....I forgot to lock the door...."
I facepalm myself, thinking how idiotic I am

"Do...you need anything?....sir?"

"C-can I have...water?..if-if that's okay with you .."

I nodded and began to lead him to the kitchen where we could get a glass of water. I got a cup and filled it with water then gave it to him
"Here ya go!"
He drank the water with just 2 gulps
"Hey, is- is it alright...if I stay here?...in your house? Just for one night..."
"Yeah, it's fine. Buuuuut i don't have another room you can sleep in."
"Oh, it's alright! I can sleep in the floor or i-in the couch...."
"Yeah, ok"
I show him where the couch is
"This's where you'll be sleeping"
Powerless_night didn't mind at all. He looked at me and then hugged me not so tight.
"Oh my gosh, thank you! Thank you!"
I blushed then pulled away.
"I'm going back to my room now, if you need anything, just go to my room cuz...Im a heavy sleeper... alright?
He nodded as a response.
I shut off the lights of the living room and left him there.

TIme: 7:20 AM

I was clinging on to a pillow that was on the couch, hoping no one will try to break in and abuse me.. I wanted y/n here. So, I slowly made my way to his room, keeping an eye out for any threats. When I reached his door, I paused for a moment and took a deep breath. I knocked on the door twice, but still, there was no response. I was starting to get worried, but then I remembered that Y/n told me he was a heavy sleeper. He used to be able to sleep through anything.

Luckily, I noticed that his door was slightly ajar. I pushed it open quietly and stepped inside, taking care not to make any noise. When I saw Y/n sleeping peacefully in his bedf, I let out a sigh of relief. He was moving a little bit, mumbling about something I couldn't understand. It was kind of cute.

I sat dowmn on the edge of his bed and watched him sleep for a while. I couldn't believe how peaceful he looked, compared to how I was feeling. Then, I slowly reached out my hand and placed it on his hip. I didn't really know what I was doing, but it felt right.

Y/n suddenly woke up and looked at me, confused. "W-what are you doing?" he asked, his voice still sleepy. I gasped and moved my hand away quickly. "I'm so sorry," I said, "I just like you. And I didn't want to wake you up. I- I mean--"

Y/n looked at me for a moment before smiling, "It's okay. I like you too." He leaned over and kissed me on the cheek before rolling back over and closing his eyes. I sat there for a few minutes, just watching him sleep, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. Wait, wait, wait...did he just kiss my cheek?! I thought to myself, covering my face with embarrassment. Oh god, what's happening.... "W-wait what?! You like me?!"
He opened his eyes and turned to look at me.
"Mhm. Yeah, why're you shocked?"
"Sorry....It's just ...no one has ever liked me before...."
"Well I like you."
"...Like, as in romantically?"
He chuckled
I hugged him.
"I love you, I love you, I love you!!"
I gave him a few kisses on the cheek
"H-hey, you're going a little too far, I think--"
I let him go
"Sorry, hahgha!"
"It's fine.."


Word count: 887
Finally, im done with this oneq-q

Ill try to make some better in the future!


The Days Union x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now