Chapter 9 - A Triathlon on a smaller scale

Start from the beginning

As we got to the running place and both Edgar and Alex prepared for the start, C'thulu gave the final starting signal before running away in the direction of his room, while also anxiously looking at his watch.

>>How much do you want to bet that he is going to play with somebody online, and doesn't want to be late?<< Amanda asked me, while I pulled out one hundred dollars.

>>Obviously he is running for it, but I will bet a hundred bucks that he will be late.<< I responded while showing her the banknote.

>>I think he will make it on time, so we have got ourselves a bet Y/N.<< She responded and we went back to watching the competition.

At first it looked like Alex was faster than Edgar, but after just a few seconds he caught up to him and outpaced him. We began to cheer for him, hoping that we would score at least one honourable point during this competition. After around 9 minutes and 30 seconds, Edgar crossed the finish line, and he had to wait for almost 3 more minutes before Alex managed to finish the race. We knew he was extremely fast, and thus he was our best bet on winning this round, because it was unlikely that any D-class could compete with him.

As we were about to go to our rooms after our victory, we were suddenly stopped by Siggurós who was looking extremely pissed. She was holding one of the D-class members on a really thick dog leash, with magic surrounding and most likely torturing him.

>>Stop it!<<He screamed in pain and she created a portal on the ground.>>I am sorry!<<

>>There is no way of apologizing your way out of this one...<<She spoke, before summoning a portal, through which guillotine went through and landed next to her.

>>B-But... You said you wouldn't kill us... You promised...<<

>>So you didn't listen to the rules? Great...<< Siggurós sighed before adding: >>Iris, please be kind enough to refresh the rules of these competitions...<<

>>Of course<< Iris said and began reading. >>"You will be granted immunity, nobody is going to hurt, nor kill you, and that includes you 682... However, that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. If you willingly decide to annoy us, or other contestants, you will be eliminated from the show..."<<

>>Exactly. If you willingly decide to annoy us, we are still allowed to kill you...<<

>>Wait, hold on...<< Diana spoke slightly surprised. >>What did this guy even do?<<

>>He tried to stab Alice after she rejected his "sophisticated" amours...<< Siggurós spoke furiously, as she started moving the D-class towards the guillotine.

>> How bad were his amours? << Diana asked once again, while Siggurós whispered something to her ear, which made her flinch. >>Okay, I have changed my mind, off with his head!<<

>>Okay, in that case he shall give head to every person in this room before we kill him<< SCP-682 spoke with a sinister smile.

>>What?!<< The D-class yelled in fear. >>No! That's not what she said, she meant something completely different!<<

Siggurós shook her head and slapped 682 across his long face.

>>Brother, I think we have discussed that you shouldn't be secretly smoking SCP-420-J when nobody is looking, because you are getting stupid ideas from it.<<

Atanti-ql-Paneu rolled his eyes and stomped away angrily, while Siggurós put the D-class on the guillotine, making sure he was unable to escape. At this point Bob, because that was D-class' name, started screaming and begging for mercy, while Amanda along with the O5 council and some SCPs grabbed a bucket of popcorn, and began watching the scene from the best spot.

Not surprisingly, Natas was looking furiously at what was happening, and I could swear I could see his eyes glowing for a brief moment, which was most likely caused by lights flickering for no reason.

Able received the honour to cut the line, and release the executing blade. As it fell, we could see Bob's fear even as his head got cleanly cut off. His body moved a little bit, probably caused by cadaveric spasm, while his eyes blinked the moment his neck was hit by the blade.

Some SCPs, mainly Larry and Sun Jung cheered as he died, while some people in the livestream said they regretted not leaving the stream when they had their chance. At this point Natas furiously went back to his room, loudly closing all the doors he went through, while Siggurós calmly sent the guillotine back through a portal.

>>Siggi, can I keep the guillotine?<< Larry spoke to her cheerfully as the portal closed.

>>What?!<< Amanda yelled and ran towards them. >>Let me keep it, it is amazing!<<

>>And where would you even keep it?<< Siggurós asked both of them.

>>Good point...<< Amanda responded before resigning.

>>I can keep it in my pocket dimension...<<

>>Where it would dissolve because of your acids Larry... No, I am keeping it in the place I sent it to, no exceptions.<<

Visibly disappointed, both Larry and Amanda walked away. Larry to the other SCPs, and Amanda back to her room. Shortly after, most of us did the same thing and started waiting for the next competition.

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