A School For Rich Kids

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Kirika couldn't wait to tell her friends that she had gone to school by bus for the first time! On her way to the school playground, she suddenly bumped into another girl.

The girl looked at Kirika coldly. "Watch where you're going," she said.

"Sorry," said Kirika meekly. She wasn't actually meek, but that was the best attitude to have when you're around Daphne Parsons.

Daphne wasn't a very nice girl. She was the daughter of some famous model who Kirika didn't know.

To be honest, everyone in Kirika's school was wealthy. Since her brother was the owner of the Raging Bulls, she was pretty well off. But he had been careful not to spoil her and made sure that she knew that just because she was rich, it didn't mean that she was above anyone.

So Kirika didn't understand why Daphne thought she was above everyone else. Maybe it had something to do with her appearance. She had tightly curled dark blonde hair and the bluest eyes Kirika had ever seen on a human.

Daphne claimed that one of her relatives was French royalty, but everyone was certain that she was making it up. But then, Kirika also liked making up stories, so she can't exactly be mad at Daphne about it.

Kirika had once heard that once when her brother was a kid, he somehow joined some mysterious underground place called The Snake Pit and cut himself off from his friends. She didn't know whether to believe the story or not, but didn't quite dare ask Shu if it was true.

She knew all of Shu's friends quite well, though she doesn't see them often. She doubted that Shu would ever cut them off.

"Just get out of my way!" snapped Daphne.

Kirika couldn't keep quiet any longer. Her brother was quite introverted, but she was the opposite. "I came to school by bus this morning!"

She expected Daphne to be impressed or at least surprised, but she instead burst out laughing.

"A bus? Only poor people go by bus!"

"What's wrong with the bus?" asked Kirika. "It was fun. I counted the cars on the way here, and I reached 36!"

"The bus is for all the people whose parents can't afford a car," said Daphne. "And I know that your brother has a car."

"My big brother had to go to work early," said Daphne. "And you know that my parents are busy with work in Japan."

"Well, can't you go by limousine like I do?" asked Daphne.

"No, that feels like showing off," said Kirika. "My big brother says that you should never show off."

Daphne rolled her eyes. "Whatever you do, don't talk about buses to me again. The smell makes me sick."

"But you have never been in a bus," said Kirika. "You don't know what they smell like..."

"Not the bus," interrupted Daphne. "The smell of poor people."

Kirika felt upset. Her brother hadn't been raised in luxury like her and had gone to a normal school. Before he had learnt how to ride his bicycle, he had taken the bus to school every day. And most of his friends aren't rich either.

As much as Kirika enjoyed attending private school, she often wondered how public school would be like.

For one thing, she had to wear her school uniform every day although most schools in America allowed the students to wear whatever they liked. There were fewer students in this school, partly because of the high fees and partly because the school can only have a limited number of students.

"Kirika!" called a voice. She saw her friends hanging out on the swings and slides waiting for her. She smiled at them. "Hi," she said. "Guess what? I went to school by bus!"

"You went by bus?" asked Amber. "What was it like?"

"It was fun," said Kirika. "I counted the number of cars on the way."

"I always took the bus to school back in London," said Isabella. "They were really big."

Kirika frowned. "Daphne said that only poor people take the bus."

"Why would you listen to anything Daphne says?" asked Mike.

"She seems to look down on anyone from middle and low class," said Kirika. "It doesn't make sense. We are all equal."

"Don't listen to a thing that Daphne says," said Regina. "You have something she does not."

"What's that?" asked Kirika.

"A kind heart," said Regina. "You are rich, but you understand lower class people well."

Kirika smiled. "Thanks," she said.

"Come on, let's get to class," said Amber. "It won't look good if we're late."

Sibling Love (Sequel to I Just Want To Be Loved)Where stories live. Discover now