A Girl With No Parents

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Kirika Kurenai waited at the bus stop. Usually her older brother would take her to school, but he had to go to work earlier than usual, so she was going to school by bus.

To be honest, Kirika didn't really mind. As much as she loved her big brother, he was awfully overprotective. "Listen," he had told her the night before. "Remember, just go to the bus stop quickly. Don't leave too early and don't talk to strangers. If anyone offers you candy or money, just say no. And if anyone does something to you, scream for help."

Kirika did admit that she felt like an outsider at times. She was born in Japan, but was raised in America. Her older brother became the owner of the Raging Bulls when she was a few months old, so they ended up moving there.

The only connection Kirika had with Japan was her name. Whenever she went to Japan, it felt more like a vacation than visiting her home country.

Shu would tell her about his life in Japan. In spite of having lived in America for almost ten years, he was still a Japanese boy.

Kirika, on the other hand, was an American girl. She had spent her whole life there, so she was raised as an American, not a Japanese.

Kirika didn't know a thing about her parents. She knew that she looked like her mother, but she had never met her before so she couldn't be sure.

Sometimes her friends would tell her how sorry they were that she had no parents. But Kirika never minded. She never knew her parents, so she didn't know what she was missing. Sure, she did feel a bit envious whenever her friends told her about how their parents would spoil them with gifts, but honestly she didn't care that her parents weren't in her life. All she needed was her brother.

Kirika had her friends, and they were all amazing. Her best friend was Amber Stevens. Amber came from a big family and she would never stop talking about her big brother, her big sister, her older stepbrother, her older stepsister, her little sister, her little half sister, her baby half brother and her adopted younger brother. Kirika could never get any of their names right. She often fantasized about having a huge family.

Her second best friend was Regina Celina. Regina had blonde hair, blue eyes and all those American girl looks which boys go crazy for. Regina was actually very intelligent and had skipped a grade because of that. Her favourite movie was Legally Blonde because she related to the protagonist.

Kirika also liked Mike Afron. He liked sports and would constantly tickle her, which she liked. Sometimes, they would say that they were boyfriend and girlfriend although they didn't actually have romantic feelings for each other. They didn't say that in front of Shu though. Kirika felt that Shu would faint at the thought of his little sister dating.

Shu himself didn't have a girlfriend although he always caught girls' attention. Kirika once suggested that he find a soulmate, but he said that that wasn't happening anytime soon.

Kirika's newest friend was Isabella Drake. She was born in London and had transferred to Kirika's school a few months ago. They had made a bad first impression on each other when Kirika accidentally caused Isabella to fall into a mud puddle during PE. The two girls disliked each other until one day when she saw Isabella being bullied by the older kids for being foreign. Kirika stood up for her and they ended up bonding over being from different countries.

Kirika never minded being from a different country because most people accepted her as one of them, though she hoped that the fact that she was related to Shu didn't have anything to do with it.

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