Jules Bite a Vampire

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Taylor's POV

I woke up and went to get my clothes. Haven't heard from Jules yet, which is not a good sign. Either she'd dead or killed someone last night. Tyler had to go to school. So I decided to go to the grill. If Jules is alive she'll find me.

"Rum, straight" I tell the bar tender.

"Rough morning?" he asks.

"You have no idea" I tell him. He gives me my drink and I go to pay.

"On the house beautiful" he tells me with a wink. Before going to serve someone else. I roll my eyes and take a sip of my drink.

"Hello Liz" I say as she joins me.

"Been a long time Taylor" she states.

"I meet your daughter, she is an amazing young lady" I tell her.

"Thanks, I am very pride of her. She was Miss Mystic Falls this year" she tells me.

"Good for her" I state.

"I remember when that was you" she states.

"A lot has changed since then" I tell her. Jules joins us and I notice she is not in her own clothes. I give her a pointed look, but put on a fake smile as she sits beside me. "Liz, this is Jules a friend of Mason and mine" I state.

"Sheriff Forbes, hi" Jules says and they shake hands.

"Nice to meet you Jules" Liz says.

"Don't be fooled, she can be a real bitch" I tell her and Jules gives me a pointed look.

"Any news on Mason?" Jules asks Liz.

"No one's heard from him. I've opened an investigation. As soon as I hear anything I'll let one of you or Carol know" Liz states.

"By the way Liz, the uniform suits you. Congrats on making sheriff" I tell her.

"Thanks, I should get back to the station. It was nice seeing you again Taylor" she states.

"We have to catch up for a drink sometime" I tell her. She nods her head and leaves. "So who did you kill?" I ask Jules.

"No one" she lies and I give her a look. "A group of campers in the woods and I may of killed a deputy" she states.

"God damn it Jules" I curse and down my drink.

"Hey, at least I bite a vampire. I bet she is already hallucinating" she states.

"Which could lead her to kill hundreds of innocent people until she finally dies" I sneer. "We're here to find out what happened to Mason, we are supposed to be keeping a low profile" I remind her.

"Ok, I slipped up. But it's fine I burned the bodies and evidence" she tells me. "Want me to go stake the vampire?" she asks.

"I think you've caused enough trouble for today" I tell her. "I'll handle it" I add as Damon joins. "Oh joy" I say.

"Well, if it isn't the one I meant to kill. I'll have to get that right next time" Jules states.

"You won't live to see another full moon unless. Unless you tell me how to cure a wolf bite and then I won't kill you" Damon tells her.

"Promise?" Jules asks.

"Yes" he says. She leaves some money on the desk and then looks at Damon.

"Bite me" she tells him and goes to leave. But Damon grabs her arm. "I'm not afraid of you" she states.

"Then you are very, very stupid" he tells her.

"How's your friend? Rose, is that her name? Have the chills started? The unbearable pain?" Jules asks him tauntingly.

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