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(Clearing) Third Persons POV

The dead werewolves lie in a pile next to a bonfire. Brady carries another body of a dead friend over his shoulder and places him on the pile. Brady looks over at Jules, who is watching the fire burn the bodies, Jules looks up at him, sadly. Wordlessly, they walk over to Stevie, who is pacing in front of the trailer.

"Go ahead. Tell her" Brady tells him.

"Let me just preface this with a big disclaimer that screams, I should have known better" Stevie states.

"What is it, Stevie?" Jules asks.

"When Brady told me what that Tyler kid said about Mason being here for the moonstone, something clicked. There was this moment back in Florida when I suspected Mason was up to something because he was banging that hot, vampire chick Kathy and he didn't want anyone to know" Stevie states.

"All right. Just get to the point, Stevie" Jules tells him feeling agitated.

"That is the point, Jules. It's the sun and moon curse. Mason was asking me all kinds of questions about it, if it could be broken, and when that evil man-witch showed up last night, double-click. Witches, vampires, moonstone. They're putting everything in place to break the curse" Stevie explains.

"We can't let them do that, even if we have to kill every last vampire in this town" Brady states.

"We'll need Taylor on our side, we'll need her strength" Stevie states.

"No we don't" Jules denies.

"Yes we do, if she knew the vampires were planning on breaking the curse. She'd side with us, to protect Tyler" he states.

"No, we tell her nothing. That's an order Stevie" Jules tells him. "I'm gonna contact Tyler, he maybe able to help us find the girl needed for the sacrifice" she states. "But no one tells him the girl has to die" she orders. Then goes inside to grab her phone.

Taylor's POV

It's the day after Caroline was kidnapped. According to Stefan she is fine, she had a sleep over with her two best friends. I'm glad she is ok. She didn't deserve what happened to her. No one deserves that. I didn't see Tyler when I got home and he wasn't home this morning. I hope he is not with Jules.

I'm enjoying a morning coffee when Carol appears. "Hi, how was the memorial?" I ask her.

"It was uneventful" she states. "I'm hosting a Historical Society's High Tea Party here, care to join?" she asks.

"Oh why not? Sounds fun" I tell her. "When is it?" I ask her.

"In an hour" she states.

"I'll go get dress then" I tell her. "Hey, where's Tyler?" I ask her.

"Something about meeting a friend" she tells me. The door bell rings. "That'll be the catering" she states and goes to answer the door. I go upstairs and have a quick shower. Before changing into a knee length cocktail dress. I pair it with some kitten heels. I do a light layer of foundation. With a little eye-shadow and massacre. I brush my hair leaving it down. I spray my neck with my favourite perfume, before heading down.

"Well, what do you think?" I ask Carol as I show her my dress.

"You clean up nice" she states. "Anyway, catering is all sorted and guests should be arriving shortly. I'm just going to go change" she tells me. I nod and she heads upstairs.

(Time skip)

The party has started and the guest of honour just arrived. Turns out to be Elijah. "Taylor allow me to introduce you to Elijah. Elijah my sister in law, Taylor Lockwood" Carol says.

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