The Lonesome Road

Start from the beginning

''Draco reminds me of Nathan. Dan's Lucious, the bastard dick of a father who pushed his ideas onto his child. Deep down both boys are better than that, nicer than that.''

''Now when I see Draco I'll think of Nathan. You ruined him for me. Thanks for that.'' I shook my head.

''Sorry man.'' Kam laughs.
"You know who should have been in the movies?"
"Charlie!" We both answer quickly.

I roll my eyes as Bevin went into Brooke's room, completely ignoring Kam and I.

''Do we look invisible?'' I asked.

''I mean I can see you, but maybe I'm invisible too.''

I giggle as my phone rang, seeing it was Jake.

''Jake, what's up?'' i asked.

''Can we meet somewhere? I need someone to talk to.''

''Sure. Come over?''

''I'm here.''

I hung up and looked at Kam.

''Jake sounded upset. I'm gonna take him to my room and talk. That okay?''

''Yeah. Bring me a blanket when you come back. The soft purple one.''

''My comforter.''


''You got it.''

I answered the door and guided Jake to my room.

''She says Jen isn't mine.''

My mouth drops open as i look at him.

''She has to be lying. Jenny looks just like you.'''

''I know she's lying. She wants to take her away. I'm trying to be strong, but its hard. I have to be strong for Peyton and Jenny. You're the only one I don't have to fake for.''

''Look at me.''

I grab his face and force him to look me in the eyes.

''You are going to get through this. It may take awhile, it may be rough, but you WILL get through this.''

My hands rested on his cheeks, which had a few tears falling down.

''I don't know what i'd do without her. Jenny's my whole world.''

''You'll survive, because that little girl will ALWAYS know who you are. That you loved her so so much. That you gave up everything to do what's best for her.''

I notice Jake's eyes flicker to my lips,causing me to let go of him.

'' I believe things will work out for you, J.''

''Thanks....I knew I could count on you... I gotta go. I'll see you?''


I grab my blanket as we made our way downstairs, going our separate ways.

''You okay?'' Kam asked.

''Always, K.''

I waited with Peyton in Whitey's office for Lucas to get here.

''You wanted to see me, coach?'' Lucas asks as he comes in and see us.

''Take a seat next to your partners in crime here.'' Whitey told my brother as he motions to the two of us girls.

Lucas looks at us, who smiles tightly at him. He walks in slowly and sits down beside me.

''Well now, Harry, Moe and Curly, I guess you're wondering why I called you here.'' Whitey stated, causing the three of us to look at one another.

''Hey, guys, I was just actually-'' Jake stopped talking as he sees Whitey behind us in the door way of Nate's place.

''He just... wants to talk to you for a minute, Jake.'' I explained.

Jake broke eye contact and nodded.

''We'll leave you two alone.'' Luke said as we backed out of the door.

''I get why he doesn't trust Nikki.'' I stated.

''I do too.''

''Did you know that Jake left Jenny with Nikki right after she was born?'' I look at my brother.

Luke shook his head, looking slightly puzzled.

''So he gets home from the game and calls Nikki; there's no answer. He goes to her house and she's not home. So He... he looked everywhere, and called her friends. Then finally, after about an hour, he finds her car and it's parked across the street from some bar. Nikki was passed out in the front seat, the keys were still in the ignition and there was frost all over the windows; he couldn't even see her... and then he looks in the back seat,... and there she is, his little girl. She's shivering. She didn't even have a blanket on her, Luke.'' I recounted all the details that Jake had once told me.

''Jake told you this?''

"We told each other everything. That was one night though. How is he going to trust Nikki with that precious little girl for three months?'' I wondered.

The next day I was getting ready for school with Kam when I noticed Jake and Peyton outside. Jake steps out of the car and sees me looking out the window. I motioned for him to come in, as Kam and I made out way downstairs.

''Jake?'' I quirked a brow.

I noticed his anticipated look.

''Are you alright?''

''I'm turning myself in.''

''What?'' Kam and i asked together.

''Its the right thing to do.''

''What about Peyton and Jenny?''


''I just came to say bye. So you can tell Jen bye.''

''Where's she going?'' i asked.

''With Whitey,.... That's all I'm gonna tell you.''

Without thinking I threw my arms around my first love's neck.

''I love you.'' i whispered.

''I love you too.''

I kissed the corner of his lips before grabbing a stuffed giraffe from the couch and going outside.

''Bye baby girl. I love you.'' I pecked Jen's head and stuffed the giraffe beside her.

I looked at Jake one last time, ''I'm getting really sick of saying goodbye to you two.'' I stated.

''Me too.''

I gave Peyton a reassuring squeeze before going back into the house with Kam.

''It's always sad goodbyes with those two, huh?'' He asked.


''Ma'am, we have a warrant to search the property.'' Two cops enter my house without being invited in.

Nikki smirks at me.

''I know she has to be here if she wasn't with the other blonde bitch.''

I smirked at Nikki smugly.

''Oh really?''

''It's clear.'' The cops stated exiting my house.

''Where is she?'' Nikki growled.

''No idea, but anywhere's better than with you.''

The Scott GirlOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara