everything's fine??

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Rohit was quite awake for a while, awake so much so that he could figure out the presence of someone on the other end of bed , must be virat waiting for him to wake up , but not too much to blink away the heaviness of his eyelids. He tried lifting his hands to rub his face but it seemed like he didn't have an ounce of strength left in him.

He tries to remember when did he fell asleep, last he remembers he was with vi going to jassi and rahul? Ohh yeah now he remembers, the flashback of their fight started hitting him , he was now trying hard to wake himself up to check on them, they were really angry God knows what happened? How irresponsible he was to leave them like that.

He tried to voice out something but all he could manage was a low grumble, thank God the other person catches up to it. He hears someone calling out to his name , but the voice was coming to him was to heavy and distant, he couldn't figure it out who was speaking to him, he felt himself getting jerked and that actually broke whatever his body was going through.

Rohit tried to blink away the blurry view, he felt someone helping him to sit against the headrest. He drinks the water given to him and then he saw the person who was doing it all was not vi but surya. He smiles a little to assure him but seeing surya he can conclude he did a very poor job at that.

"Bhau? How are you feeling?"

Surya voice was laced with concern

"Just a bit of headache surya, nothing to worry about.."
Rohit lifts his hand to ruffle his hair and asked
"Where is vi? And is rah and Jass okay now?"

Surya pressed his lips in a thin line to show he was not surprised but a little disappointed at the questions thrown at him

"Let's not worry about that right now okay and about virat bhai , he and mahi bhai are with the youngsters"

Rohit pupils dilated hearing mahi bhai name

"Wait, wait!! What do you mean by mahi bhai? Is he here?"

Surya lips stretched from one side hearing the desperate voice of rohit

"Yes bhau, he is here , and no you don't need to go anywhere I've called them that you're awake, they must be coming "

His room's door banged at the other side of wall with lots of chaotic voices as soon as surya completed himself, denoting that not just mahi bhai and vi but the whole team was here.

The first one to throw himself on Rohit was ofcourse yuzi, kuldeep and shreyas.

"Bhai you gave me a heartattack"

Shreyas voice came a little unclear as he was speaking on Rohit shoulders, he can feel the wetness on his shoulders too . He pats shreyas on the back to console him

"I'm good yas, it was nothing but tiredness"

"You have to take care of yourself bhaiya , kuliya is still unmarried, how will you dance at his wedding at this rate"

Trust yuzi and his weird obsession with dance and tiktok to make a tense atmosphere light. Rohit frees himself from them letting them sit beside him on the bed and looks at the other present members in the room.

He eyes first met shubman who's own eyes were red , don't tell him he cried!!?, rohit signs him to come forward and that what it took shub to latch himself onto rohit

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