the nightmare continues...

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    Rohit is loading his luggage when his phone pinged with a message. He is on the way for airport to play the test series in sa .It's been more than twenty days of final, after that disaster of a result he hasn't talked to his teammates not even his best friend vi. Vi and mahi bhai ,both have called ritika to talk to Rohit but he couldn't find in himself to talk to them or reassure the youngsters who  has blamed themselves. Although virat did talk to them but it wasn't anything like getting reassurance from their rohit bhaiya the captain that it wasn't just their fault.
He sat in the backseat when his phone started ringing with the name ritika over it. He picked it up and without any greeting ritika asked in a monotonous voice
"You knew that , right!?"
"What are you talking about, did I forgot anything?" It came more of as a confused question
"About the announcement of mi captaincy rohit, you knew that?" Ritika voice was so low as if she is trying to save Rohit from further heartbreaks .
"What about mi captaincy?" Rohit voice went monotonous
"Hardik's gonna lead the next season"
The line went silent for a moment indicating what ritika was afraid of
"Yeah , umm I'm here and yeah he deserves it, ritika I'm at the airport I'll talk to you later" rohit spoke hastily before cutting the line.
He threw the phone on side seat thinking nothing in particular.
His phone again started ringing  it was a message from surya and an incoming call from jassi. He just switched of his phone.
He was feeling numb at this point but so has he been feeling for last couple of days. He went on a vacation with his family to clear his mind and it did to an extent, seeing samaira playing took of his mind from everything that happened but who was he kidding when he thought that he has recovered.

He did not want to lie himself saying he didn't had any idea about this.  He knew that hardik will lead, after all a captain didn't want to be traded only to play under someone else captaincy.
But the management? They had said rohit that he'll lead atleast one more season to give the fans a deserving fairwell.
The car stopped at the airport and even before he opened the door, flashlights blurred his vision, honestly if you ask Rohit in last two three months what was the worst that happened to him apart from the loss he would say these paparazzis .
  After finding his seat all he wanted to do was sleep and take of his mind from everything, but who was he kidding the sleep and hunger the infamous habit of his has left him adding to his misery as if saying you deserve all the torture and nothing should save you from these not even sleep. He closed his eyes and sighs to himself thinking about facing the team after these many days. He counts himself Lucky remembering that hardik is not there, he doesn't know how will they interact after all these and honestly he doesn't want to think about that , leaving it to the future. But that doesn't mean he is safe from everything he still has to face surya , Virat and his first kiddo jassi and ofcourse rest of the team. He is sure till now they must have been aware of his arrival time and also of the news. Jassi and surya must have been disappointed after the news and rightly so and then there's virat, his vi whose call he has ignored for days resulting in no further calls or messages from him till today.

For the first time in a while he has felt this tired, he is tired of giving his everything and still falling behind from a margin , he is tired of being seen as a strong individual it does nothing but keeps adding to his misery. Every one just assume that he'll be fine and will bounce back stronger but no one asks him if he has enough in him to bounce back. He thought about his days after the loss, he wanted nothing but to retire from every format . It was ritika who convinced him to not take any decision hastily and wait for his nerves to calm down, he knew he was being very much emotional when he thought of that and he is still thankful of ritika who stopped him from doing that disaster and showing how his fans are waiting for him eagerly. That has put some motivation into him to look for another ultimate prize if God decides to show a Lil bit mercy on him .

  He stood at the reception of hotel for his keys, good thing it's almost midnight hardly anyone would be awake at this time, saves him from atleast a Lil bit of trouble.
After adjusting his luggage and sending a message to ritika that he reached safely he went for a shower  leaving his phone on the nightstand.
  He leaves all the thinking and interrogation for next day right now he wants nothing to think about atleast he deserves a Lil bit of rest from all the Chaos .

A/N: I know it's cringe and not written rightly but spare me I'm not a writer, nor have I ever tried in this field and this story is just bcuz how emotionally I'm attached to Rohit. But do tell me how it was , yeah that's it......

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