Return to Mystic Falls

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This story is about Taylor Lockwood. She had accidentally caused the death of her best friend and had triggered her curse at 17. Her father was going to send her to boarding school. But she ran away instead on her 18th birthday. Not even two weeks later she transformed into a black wolf for the first time. And it hurt like hell.

Anyway, she eventually hooked up with a pack in Florida. Well is was just Jules and her boyfriend. But it grew. Mason found her years later while surfing. Taylor hated his girlfriend Kathy, especially when she caused him to kill his best mate by accident, triggering his curse. So she marked Kathy and made it her mission to kill her. But then their big brother died and Mason returned to Mystic Falls. For the funeral.

Taylor didn't go with him as Richard remind her to much of their father. Plus she hated the Mystic Falls and vowed never to return. But when Mason never came back and she heard Tyler's voice mail a day before a full moon. He'd triggered his curse and sounded so scared. She had to go back, Jules wouldn't let her go alone as they hadn't heard from Mason and the town was known for vampires. So came with Taylor. She promised not to involve the pack, but we all know that's a lie. Anyway, lets get to the story.

Taylor's POV

Jules and I arrive at the Lockwood Mansion. Where my older brother had lived with his family before his death. According to Mason, his widow wife and son still live here. His widow wife is now the Mayor of Mystic Falls.

"Let me do the talking" I tell Jules. She nods her head and I knock on the mahogany doors. A teenage boy answers. I smile. "Hi, my you've grown Tyler" I state.

"Hi" he says looking confused.

"I'm not surprised you don't recognize me, you were a toddler when we last met" I tell him. "I am your aunt, Taylor Lockwood and this is my friend Jules" I say introducing us.

"Hi" Jules says.

"I didn't know I had an aunt" he states.

"Typical of Richard" I say rolling my eyes. Of course he never told Tyler about me. Though I am surprised Mason didn't mention me when he came back for the funeral.

"So, I know it's weird for us to just stop by but we're trying to track down Mason" Jules states. I give her a look. She gives me an apologetic one.

"Mason's back in Florida. He has been for a while now" Carol states as she joins us. "Taylor" she says nodding at me.

"Carol, you are looking well" I tell her. "Anyway, Mason isn't in Florida. He hasn't been back since he came here for Richard's funeral and we haven't heard from him in three weeks" I explain.

"He could be surfing somewhere, he does do that" she reminds me.

"Yes, but since we meet back up. I've made him tell me before going on spontaneous trips. I know my little brother. He is missing Carol" I tell her. Tyler left, no doubt going to school. Carol calls the sheriff, Liz Forbes and reports Mason missing. I decide I need a drink, Carol assured me she'd let me know the second she hears something. "Next time, keep your mouth shut" I tell Jules with a quiet snarl.

"Don't forget who's alpha" she growls back.

"Only because I let you be, this is my home town" I remind her. "My family, so we do things my way. You cross me here and not only will I take your title. I will kick you and your boyfriend out of the pack" I tell her. She glares at me. I head to the grill. "Rum, straight please" I tell the young man behind the bar.

"Ah sure" he says and gets it for me.

"Strange question, do you go to school still?" I ask and he nods his head. "So does that mean you know Tyler Lockwood?" I ask. Handing him money for my drink.

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