10k Special

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Totally forgot about this special! Hope you guys will enjoy! This is the second part to the 5k special.

Kristin smiled at her two children. Despite having everything, she was missing something. Her parents


Phil immediately directed his eyes at his prized possession, "What's the matter sweetheart?"

Kristin hesitated, "I miss my parents. Do you think you can turn them into sirens too?"


"I just miss them Phil and it would make me happier, and it would mean my children would get to meet their grandparents! It's what I want for my birthday."

"Fine, but be quick about it. I will give you a day tops. Get to the sea by midnight with or without them."


There Kristin was, ended up with legs for the first time in 9 years. She hated it. She felt confined with legs as she walked to her parents' residence. Townspeople looked at her and whispered, clearly scared of her. She was just too oblivious. She knocked on the door and it was quickly opened.


Kristin smiled with her sharp teeth. Her parents were skeptical but let her inside nonetheless. 

"Where were you all these years?" Her mother asked as she pour her 'daughter' tea.

"Oh I don't drink tea and I was exploring the ocean... by boat! I went with Phil."

Her parents cringed at the name of that man.

"Where is he now?"

"Oh he is tending the boat with Wilbur and Techno."

"Who are Wilbur and Techno?"

"My sons! Techno is 5 and Wilbur is 3!"

"You had children with that thing!" Her father yelled.

"Phil is great! He showed me the true beauty of the ocean! You could come with me. You could find some new beauty in your life from this dump."

"Kristin we like it here-"

"Come on this place sucks. The ocean is a luxury compared to this place!"

"Kristin we aren't leaving this place and you are not acting like our daughter."

Her eyes glowed a deep purple as she started humming. Her parents got put into a trance as she forced them to get closer to the beach. Suddenly she stopped summing when screaming people held pitchforks towards her throat.

"It's the siren! She needs to die!" In a matter of seconds, people chanted for Kristin to die.

They grabbed the woman and tied her arms with rope. They forced her onto the guillotine as she scream! She tried her luring trick, but they just made sure she couldn't speak. Kristin stared at her parents as they allowed it to happen. What about her kids and husband! Kristin realized that the land was fucked up. She despised the land and everything on it. She knew that she only cared about her kids and husband instead of this fucked up world. That was until the manipulation spell wore off. Kristin realized her mistakes and realized that Wilbur and Techno needed to be saved from this monster.

It was too late though when her head drop to the ground.


Phil observed his kingdom as a guard rushed up to him.

"Y-your highness."

"What's wrong."

"Kristin. She died. Land people killed her when they found out she was a siren."

A tear of blood shedded, "I demand we have spies. We have to figure out whom is behind this!"

"Yes my king."

That day was a day that nobody took lightly. 

Word Count: 537

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