Chapter 7: All's well that ends well.

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I looked at Stickler. I had to come up with some grand explanation. Some kind of explanation that would make him understand. He has to.

I can't go back to how things were I just can't.  It would feel worse to me that going back to the dark ages. Then again It was fun to be able to do what I wanted. That's besides the point.

I just don't want to lose him he means more to me. Than anyone has, in fact I don't think I've ever cared about someone as much as I care about him.

I can't think of what to say. Well I can the words just won't come out. I want to tell him , I feel like just won't understand.  I know it's against a lot of laws in hell I'm aware of that. Yet I don't care.

I need to defend this point I need to. Think Lucifer. Think! you can do this. You've been around the longest around here.

Okay alright I've got this. " Stickler. There's something you aren't getting here. I'm happier than I've ever been before, since well I can't remember when I felt like this." I said this in a sincere tone. I mean every word of it.

If I could say more. If its needed. I can't believe I just said that. Please don't be mad. I hate it when Stickler is mad. I know he is I just hope it didn't make him worse.

Stickler looked at me and then looked at Dice. He then looked at his book then at Henchman. I'm not sure what he was thinking right now that much is scary.

"Sir... You know the rules. You went against my orders to relax for a start. You also disided to make a deal with a mortal without telling anyone, you fell in love with said mortal. Told him to work with you while you're off with him. Need I not remind you that you both are in big trouble!"  By his tone of voice he was still very annoyed.

"Come on Stickler lighten up it's not that bad. It isn't like the world is endin'. Maybe it's time you let go of the rules a bit." I heard Dice say this. I shudder a bit.

Sure he was trying to help. But talking this way around Stickler is just going to make him more enraged than he already is.

"Lighten up! Oh I think you don't understand you're position you are in! I don't think you understand the reality of it!"  Although he almost looks like he's consdering things while he shouts.

However, hate to it admit, but he's right. He could very easily get Dice in so much trouble. Me I'd be in trouble. If the rest of hell catches wind of this. Which is likely some of them already have.  Consdering, Stickler used them to drag Dice here.

What have I done! I shouldn't have done any of this. If I'd had never looked for a right hand man. None of this would have ever happened.  I would have never had been in this situation...

But , just  I can't get rid of this.I don't want to just undo all of this. I'd just end up feeling like the waves are crashing into me, then pulling me out into a sea of days. Week's and years all stuck together.

I just can't go back to that. I just can't. If it means I can't run hell anymore. Even though no one else remotely comes close to being fit to the job.  I mean who honestly would do a better job then me. As I've said before I'm flawless.

"I understand fine well the situation, you're over reactin' Stickler. Is not that big of a deal." He has a slightly irritated tone.

"King Dice, I could send you to jail so fast you wouldn't even know what happened to you. Or I could knock you out and make you forget everything." Stickler had this look . I didn't like it at all. He just sends chills down my spine.

I think it might have creeped even Dice out as he shuffled a bit in his chair and looked uncomfortable.

I still had to defend this. "Stickler, Dice means well with what he's saying."

" Sir it doesn't change the fact that neither of you are in the right. I just can't believe you'd go behind my back." He trails off and sighs.

Prohaps he's going to calm himself down.  I don't know.  Henchman was in here. Now he was holding some paperwork, and handed it to Stickler.

Prohaps he felt bad about telling Stickler. An unlikely story, although I suppose it holds merit.

He was quiet for a bit as he read the paperwork. He looks at Henchman and nods.

"However... You have worked better in these last few days than I have seen in centuries. While I do not agree with you going behind my back! Paired with the breaking of the rules... I can tell one thing sir." He seemed to be talking much calmer whatever was on that paper affected him.

Dice looked at me with a confused look. We both where looking at eachother confused.

Why would he go from being pissed at me to letting it go. Usually he'd shout for hours, but he's not. Why.

He continued talking. " You spoke from you're heart earlier. I am very tempted to send Dice to jail, and tell the rest of hell about you're endeavours. However if I did that you wouldn't do anything."

"So in light of, what Henchman brought me. I'll allow it to continue on one condition."

Dice gave Stickler a gaze suggesting. He was extremely confused how he could go from pissed off to , understating so soon.

Part of me wonders what Henchman brought Stickler. Whatever it was it was to my benefit.

Well at least I don't have to give up anything. Including Dice. Although it really depends now on what that condition is.

"And the condition."

"Sir you're work must stay at this level. If it begins to drop again I will have no choice but to put a stop to this."

"Understood Stickler."

Dice looked at me and smiled. I think he understood that even though it's not completely perfect. At least I don't lose him now.

He allowed us to leave. Time went on years went by.  I got  the only thing I could have asked for. It's best possible outcome. There we have it how I have Dice still around to this day. That will never change. I made sure of that.

"Hey Lucifer you daydreamin' again."  Dice laughed and smiled. Before walking over to me.  Then spoke again. "Where you thinkin' about our story again."

"Mmm you know me too well. Shall we go I believe we have much more work to do."

"Couldn't have said it better myself." He smiled again and kissed me gently before walking to the door, and waited for me to follow.

Of course I did. Who knows how long this will last. That doesn't matter. I like everything just the way it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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