Chapter 5: Oh No

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Henchman had now dropped the files he was holding and stood straight trying to make himself look like he saw nothing. Actually that would be great.

I then quickly spoke out hoping he didn't see. I mean you'd have to be blind not to see what was going on. I hoped he had a case of oh dear! I'm suddenly blind. "Henchman this not what it looks like. You saw nothing!"

"Uhhh... Where you just doing what I think you were doing boss?" By this is could tell that he didn't just suddenly become blind like I wanted him too. Oh no of course he had too see. I'm going to be soo much trouble.

"No Henchman. Again you saw nothing."

"Uhhh boss sorry to tell but umm..." Henchman is sweating I can see that. He's probably not wanting to admit it. Although by this it's clear he did see what was going on. He really should have knocked.

At much as I have every right to shout at Henchman for just walking in before knocking. I won't. As I know fine well he'd just get upset. That and he might go crying to Stickler. So I have to be extremely careful how I word this.

I keep thinking about what to even say however the words wouldn't come. Usually I can defend myself. You know tell a lie im the Devil ! It's in my nature yet. I can't. Dice was also flat out staring at Henchman he  just straightened out his tailcoat's sleeve, like he too was thinking. Or prohaps he was carefully calculating something. I know that Dice is quite a smart man. I wouldn't put it past him.

Although while Dice is messing with his tailcoat's sleeve, and I was thinking how to word it. Henchman took me not saying anything as keep talking of course he did. 

"Well boss see, you can't exactly go around dating Dice. For one he's not a demon and the other being well he's a guy. You know the rules."

Henchman saying this made one thing snap in my mind. He cannot and will not take Dice away from me. I will not stand for that

I  knew what to say now. However  my tone became a little well snappy. I am angry more than snappy but still."TO HELL WITH THOSE STUPID RULES HENCHMAN!" I was definitely shouting how loud I didn't care. "FOR ONCE IN MY LIFE HENCHMAN I'M HAPPY DO NOT TAKE THAT-" Dice interrupted me, and talks in a calm voice.

"Devil. You're shoutin' think calmly. Henchman listen I'm sure the Devil will explain when he's ready. But say could ya not mention it to Stickler."

Prohaps I was shouting a bit too loud I mean Henchman does look upset whoops.

"Uhh but Dice you're goin' to be in a lot of trouble too. B-but I'll uhhh try not to uhh tell Stickler it isn't easy. You don't keep secrets from your ... Umm friends"

Dice sighed and continued talking. I wonder if he picked up on Henchman's pause there too. Now why on earth would you just pause there. Unless you're just as bad as us.

"Henchman, I know I will. That's if you go around tellin' everyone. Now the Devil is a lot happier like this . I can tell do you really wanna take that away from him."

"Well no but umm ,  Dice aren't you dating Lucy?"

Dice looked at me for a moment. I knew what he was asking to say I just nodded to say go ahead.

"Henchman Lucy is the Devil. He shapeshifted so that he could hang out with me. All it a deal we had. He kept my fans away while he could do whatever he wanted. Well at the time it was."

"Oh umm right. I'll just umm go . I'll really try not to tell Stickler. Boss I'm so sorry I made you mad an now you aren't saying anything. I'll umm leave the papers here too."

I sighed before speaking again. "I suppose it's fine Henchman. Now yes get out my office."

Henchman left the papers, he was holding and left. The papers now in my office where the ones I had left at the meeting.

If I just hadn't have left them there. I wouldn't have this now added worry of Henchman telling Stickler. It's almost guaranteed that's going to happen. Henchman can't help but tell people the truth.

I guess now I have to brace for that. Ugh that will be the worst meeting I'll ever have if he does.

"Oh Dice didn't you're fans want Lucy on stage"

"Yes the did why thought of somethin'." It hadn't taken him long to shake off and ounce of worry he had and was now smiling.

I however am still extremely worried. I really need an excuse to get out of here. This is the best one I have right now.

"How about I join you on the show tonight."

"Well I don't see why you can't. Besides it's pretty soon anyways I like to get down there early. I was actually about to go soon."

"Mm perfect then. Let's just get out of here." I then shapeshifted like before into a lady and walked out my office with Dice.

I knew fine well I should try not to worry about it so much right now. Which it's better just to put it out my mind.

Focus on something else like the man I just love so very much. That and I could think about just how fun the show is going to be! Oh there we go . Yes this is going to be great.

Just me Dice an audience of people watching our performance, I'm sure together we'd make the most memorable show Dice has ever done. Not that all of his shows aren't memorable they sure are.

I have a feeling this one is going to be better, because for the first time I get to be a part of one. I'm sure nothing could go wrong.

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