Chapter 2: Things Are Looking Up

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I listened to what Henchman had to say. "Oh so basically pepole are saying she's kind of well good at a lot of things. Theres also a rumour going around that she's. Uhh some kind of old god or something. I mean at this point I think its a joke. Theres also the fact that uhh some pepole want Dice to leave her. Others are asking when the wedding is."

"Ha mortals and there silly little jokes.  Always with there jokes. I mean who wouldn't like those jokes."  

"Uhh yeah. Although I think that uhhh a lot of pepole believe it boss. Du'hh not that I do though. I mean its kinda funny. I mean I don't really think they are going to have a wedding publicly."

"Who knows they might." I laugh slightly. Although I don't want to give away that I've been hanging out with Dice that whole time and that was me. Considering he'd probably tell Stickler. I know Henchman means well by it. In the  end though this would cause me a lot of problems. Since I have well been braking a law of hell. I mean as long as they don't know then problem solved. 

"Yeah maybe , I mean it would be really sweet to see the wedding-"

Dice had walked back. With Stickler and had thought he better interrupt. I mean good he did. It means it might be a little bit suspicious thats the only thing. I mean probably not that strange though. 

"Oh are you talkin' about all those little rumours that are going around at the moment? Well who knows. Henchman right? I think so. Maybe I will marry her."

I gave Dice a glance like don't. I think ne noticed it and smiled. 

"Oh really thats so sweet! I'll look forward to hearing about it. Well uhh I have to go and do somethings but its good to have you back boss. I'm assuming you are now working for us too which is amazing. I can't wait to work with you Mr Dice. Yes its Henchman. Bye!"

With that Henchman walked off.  He also seemed quite happy which is understandable. Dice is his idol of sorts . I have heard him talking about him before to some other demons. He has also mentioned that he has listened to his show. I did better though. I've been on at least one of them. Not that anyone other than me and Dice really know that fact. 

Its like a little secret club I guess. Only me and Dice are the only ones in it. Thats also the way it is going to stay from now on too, because I can't have Stickler ruining something that actually makes me happy for the first time. In well actually I don't even remember. 

"So then boss, maybe you should show me to your office and we can talk about plans~" he had a big grin on his face. I know he was joking. But still. It's sort of funny. He was also talking to me quite playfully.

I nudged Dice playfully. "Hmm maybe we should. Who knows maybe those little plans could happen."

He then nudged me back while laughing. "Maybe id like it if they did." There was still a slight playfulness to his voice.

"Hmm maybe your fans might yes. You know it would be interesting but , let's not now yes. You said you wanted to go to my office?"

"Of course I did. Then we can think of plans."

"Hmm yes plans" I laughed again. I knew fine well we'd end up talking about something completely irrelevant to the plan but still. It was nice to have just someone like Dice.

I really don't think I've ever cared about anyone. Well not truly but I care about him more than a lot of things.

I began walking to my office. Dice followed me I heard his shoes clicking behind me. It's actually calming hearing that noise.  I always found listening to shoes was.

"Ha I suppose we are going to talk about somethin' else aren't we."

"Hmm I'd be willing to bet we would. Besides we both know how we are." While saying this I opened the door to my office and walked in Dice followed me and sat on one of the chairs in there.

"Alright I'll take you up on that bet . I'm kiddin' we both know. It's true and I'd lose."

"Mmm true true." I laugh again so does Dice.

In this moment I felt a lot better. However I also knew I'd have to eventually do work which had to start now. So I'd have to get Dice. To do somethings to help. But not too much I don't want his reputation in shambles.

Right now I just want to talk about anything, But work but at last that can't last can it?

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