Chapter 4: Meeting's are still boring!

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I made sure to collect anything I needed for the boring and pointless meeting since I had done basically nothing since I got back. At least for once I had a plan which is more than I usually have. 

While walking over I thought about Dice and how he's probably doing something far more interesting than me. I mean he most certainly loves setting up that show of his.  I mean I most certainly love that cute little show of his. His face is so adorable the way it lights up. He looks so happy like that. 

I walked into the meeting room and stat on my usual chair. Stickler was staring at me. What is it now. Was I late? Did I forget to wash some dishes. He is aware that isn't in my job description let alone something I should be doing. Did I forget to write out one piece of pointless work. Its probably either the first or the second one. I mean what else would it be. 

Then Stickler spoke out . Making me lose that line of thought. "Sir.. how did you end up being 20 minutes late. Did you suddenly become a snail while walking."

"What no! don't be ridiculous you come out with that kind of comment I have half a mind to think you are  squiffy." 

"Sir I am not squiffy. You are just acting strange. None walks that slow. You usually walk quite fast."  

"Yes because I'm usually in a hurry to get away from these meeting. Or maybe its because I finally have a purpose. Or well I found something to ponder." I say this to him with an almost slight sardonic tone. But not quite. I was more being a little bit joking than that.  

"Sir you need to make sure that you stop pondering whatever it is, and start getting the amount of souls in hell back up."

Henchman just stated the obvious. "D'uhh Stickler he did just get back." 

"Yes I know all the more reason to increase productivity." 

you know I'm surprised I haven't fallen asleep yet. Perhaps these new found thoughts I have kept me awake. Well that and it gives me something to space out about. I believe I'm probably spacing out right now. I can't remeber them talking about anything else.

I mean its probably all just. the usual souls need to be counted souls need to be collected. Oh I wonder how Dice is doing. Mmm probably fine. If he isn't well I'd rather not think about him in danger. 

Well lets be frank here. I'd much rather be thinking about him with me. Oh and those absolutely wonderful dates him and me have. Its great. Oh you should see the look on some of those men at those events I got to when I win. At all those games they play. They are in pure shock when a lady beats them. Well not that I actually am but of course.  Still they think I am thanks to my shapeshifting powers. 

speaking of dates perhaps I should think about those- I snapped out of my thoughts to have Henchman waving his hand in front of my face.

"D'uhh boss you're daydreaming. About something."

"Oh umm yes sorry."

"Uhh its okay you uhh managed to daydream though the entire meeting, uhh also Dice says he wants to see you."

"Oh perfect. Is he in my office?"

"Uhh yes hes in your office."

"Great thanks Henchman." I then walk off without an ounce of hesitation.  I walked much faster than I did before. Since well I'd much rather spend time with Dice than listen to Stickler's meetings.  I'm actually surprised he didn't notice I wasn't paying an ounce of attention to him.  Mostly he does notice such things I guess he got bored of even trying to tell me anything. 

As soon as I got into my office Dice, was standing by the door he hugged me and closed the door with his foot. I swear one of these days this kind of thing is going to get us caught. 

"Good to see you too Dice, you're feeling what a little risky. You fine well some of my demons could have been following me."

"Why they weren't so don't ya worry too much about it. You know fine well why I'm doin' this. Besides they weren't. Yes its a verry  good thin' they weren't." 

"Very true Dice. So did you do you're thing you said you would~" 

"You know fine well I did." Oh shit thats right I was supposed to file that request. Well I'm sure Henchman will find it on the desk and give it to Stickler he wouldn't come in here to tell me he's going to file it or ask me what to do with right. ah well. 

"See now our plan is goin' perfectly then!"

"Mmm its going swimmingly." I then just leaned down and kissed him. I had to do that if I wanted to in this form of mine since. I am quite a bit taller than him. I guess thats why Dice kisses me first when I'm sitting down since he can't while I'm standing.  

Then again it doesn't make the blindest bit of a difference. At least I don't think so, he kissed me back. Then the door opened. Of course it did. Dice instantly let go of me and stared at the door where, Henchman was standing. I stared at him. Oh boy. This is going to take a bit of explaining. Or maybe he didn't see anything please tell me he didn't see anything. 

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