Chapter 6: Shambles Show

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Me and Dice went to his show together. I was of course transfigured to look like Lucy. I couldn't just walk onto the stage as the Devil. Everyone would run screaming.

That would be ridiculous to watch however but I wouldn't dare to that to Dice. That would just be silly.

We walked over to the place Dice holds his shows. Lots of people were waving at him as he walked they were also instantly whining.

"Mr Dice! Mr Dice! Can we have you're autograph!"

"Now now later I'll be giving out a few I can't have me being late now can we."

"Mr Dice! Please."

"You'll have to wait like everyone else."

I don't quite know how he does it. He dislikes his fans because of how whiny and annoying. They are also kind of touchy with him. I really hate that.

At least for now they have left him alone. Well that and I'm here what are they going to do. Obviously I can't just obliterate them right now doesn't mean I can't think about doing it. Of course I am.

"After you Lucy."

"Why thank you Dice." I go in first. Since in a way we still have to keep up gender roles although in reality we don't really do this . unless I'm posing like this we do. That would be how it is. I can't exactly go around acting like my flawless self. Ugh why do I have to act like this flawed person.

There's also the fact that Dice's show had gained enough popularity over the time he'd done it he had to have security. Meaning those winny mortals have to get tickets to get in. I found that much out from the day I first met Dice he vowed for me so I could get into the theatre. Not exactly the same thing but similar.

There's also another thing, I'm sure that Henchman by now has accidentally told Stickler of what me and Dice where doing. This was supposed to take my mind off that why on earth did it just wander back to this.

Dice had followed me into the place. I have to say it was actually really interesting. Sure I'd been to the theatre a bunch this was different. It was laid out entirely different. It much more closed in homely.

Perhaps this is why Dice seems to love doing his show so much. It's like a second home for him where part of his heart resides.

"Lucy you seem a little out of it. That and you sure like starin' at the place like what ya see?"

"Oh yes sorry I was just thinking. This place is very nice though don't get me wrong. I see why you like it. "

"Glad the place is rubbin' off on ya. Follow me we can sit back stage for a little bit."

Dice walked off to back stage I followed him. Although I really can't quite shake this peculiar feeling like something is going to happen. Probably because deep down I have this sinking feeling that Stickler knows about me and Dice , and is one very annoyed auditor.

The thing about Stickler is he is very differcult to annoy. Once you do he is scary. That is coming from me the Devil. That has to count for something right? It's just his way of using the sickle he likes so much it's ... Cruel and well quite brutal.

Why am I overthinking everything it's fine. It's probably fine. I should just sweep these thoughts under the rug.

"You're not talking that much. Look I know that Henchman saw us but what's the worst thin' that could happen."

I looked at Dice who was smiling. It was an ill conducted smile. I could tell that it was deep seated in lies. In which was an attempt to try and make me feel a little better.

"Dice I can tell when you are worried too. Look as much as I would say it would be fine. Henchman has trouble keeping secrets. I don't entirely hold it against him. But the point is Stickler is going to know. He was already suspicious of me as it is."

"Isn't Stickler just an auditor. He isn't that scary. If anythin' he seems a bit annoyin'."

"You've never seen him when he's angry."

"No I don't suppose I have. Well what do you say we go do the show."

"Sure it might take my mind off it."

"I wouldn't worry so much Lucy."

"Easier said than done." I muttered this quietly as I followed Dice onto the stage he's right I should just get on with this. Forget about what keeps crossing my mind.

As soon as Dice stepped onto the stage the people cheered. It seems they had been let in while me and Dice were having a small conversation.

"Hello Inkwell isles, and welcome to you're favourite gameshow Roll The Dice!"

I look at him and smile while he does this, I can see true happiness and passion. He really does love this show nothing was going to take that away from him.

"Hello Mr Dice!" I could hear the crowd say this.

"As you all requested I did I thought it was finally time I bring Lucy onto the stage with me. How about you introduce yourself."

He handed me the microphone. I was just about to talk into it about who I was when all of a sudden. I hear the hell elevator I freeze.

I hear a familiar voice. "Ehem! Sir I know what you have been doing! DICE AND SIR GET IN HERE NOW. OR IM USING THE SICKLE."

The crowd was now muttering something about the fact that Dice was mixed up in something bad.

Dice gently took the microphone from me.

"Ehehe looks like hell's auditor wants to speak with me oh how crazy is that who knew I'm even popular in hell -"

Stickler had brought other demons which had dragged Dice into the elevator. I got the message and walked into the elevator.

This day was turning out to be awful. Dice stared at me in the elevator. Stickler glared at us both. While the other demons he'd brought stand there making sure we don't attempt to excape.

It's a very awkward elevator ride. All I can think about is the what ifs. Like what If Henchman didn't see us today. What if I never met Dice then I wouldn't have to explain myself.

I don't want to explain. I don't want to all I want to do is to be able to be with the man I love. Is that so hard pressed to do!

I get it it's illegal, but I'm the Devil I do what I want! Why for once can't I just break a rule and everyone stops giving a darn about it.

I eventually hear the elevator ding. After what felt like a century. We followed Stickler to a meeting table. Since I wasn't about to make him more annoyed and Dice was practically getting dragged.

"I can walk myself!" I'd hear him protest about them doing so.

"Sit!" I heard Stickler say . I stat down almost instantly. Dice was pushed into a seat.

"What's the meanin' of bringin' us here. I was in the middle of a show."

Stickler sighed. Ignoring Dice's question he stared at me. "Sir you have broken so many rules! Right now you are sitting here as a lady! For some stupid reason you think it's perfectly fine to date a mortal have you forgotten the rules! Sir!"

I forgot I haven't even swapped back into myself. I quickly did that. Although I guess since Henchman told him it was very easy to work out that Lucy was me. Since Stickler isn't stupid.

"... Stickler I.."

"Sir. Be very careful what you're next words are."

(Wowie that went hard huh. Well the ending did . Now there's probably only going to be one or two more chapters of this. Also this is based of some laws in the 1930s so don't take offence to it. Ok good - Author)

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