Who's Coming to Dinner?

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Sylvanna: That's right! It was me! Hahahaha! Now, which one of you boys has been walking my daughter home this week? I've been trying to catch you in the act this entire time!

Travis then looked at Y/N

Y/N: Don't look at me

Aphmau: Mom, may I see you in the kitchen alone?

Sylvanna: Not until I'm done questioning these—

Aphmau: MOM!

Sylvanna: Ugh, fine.  I've got my eyes on you.

She said whispering

Sylvanna and Aphmau go to the kitchen. Everyone watches them leave

(With Aphmau and her mom)

Aphmau: Mom, what is going on? Why are my friends here, and what is this about a text that was sent out?

Sylvanna: Well, I may have invited them over earlier. *sighs* Using your phone.

Aphmau: Mom!

Sylvanna: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Look, I just wanted to see what boys you've been hanging out with, yo!

Aphmau: Yeah! But to go around my back! And to invite them over using my phone!

Sylvanna: Alright, Alright! Chill, homegirl!

Aphmau: No, Mom! I'm not your home girl today.

Sylvanna: W-What? Girl, you trippin'?

Aphmau: Oh, I be trippin', a'ight. You went behind my back and dissed my privacy, yo!

Sylvanna: Aphmau, Mija, I— *sighs* Look, I'll admit I got a little too crunk with my idea, but I care about you, and as yo' Mommy G, well, I just really want to know what those guys are thinking about! Because I swear they are the devil trying to get to my baby-boo!

Travis then started to sniff the air

Travis: Is something burning?

Y/N: Smells pretty good

Garroth: Oh my Irene, it's a fire!

Aphmau: *gasp* Mom!

Sylvanna: My ham!

She said before running to the kitchen and quickly taking out the ham from the oven

Sylvanna: Oh, this is terrible! It's ruined!

Aphmau: Huh, uh, I'm sorry, Mom.

Y/N: Still looks pretty tasty to me

Garroth looked at Y/N confused 

Y/N: What?

Sylvanna: Ugh. It's ok, I'll just order a pizza or something.

Aaron: Hmm, um, if you have a lemon, I can fix this up.

Sylvanna: There's some lemon in the fridge, but, heh, there's no way you could possibly save this dinner. It's ruined.

Aaron: Not necessarily. 

A few seconds later Aaron was in the kitchen cooking and fixing the meal while everyone watched

Aphmau: Ooh! Ah! Wow! Aah!

After that, there was now perfectly cooked not-burnt ham on the counter

Y/N: Whoa.

Aaron: Oh, haha, I'm not done yet.

Aaron then continued to work and after he was done there was a golden ham on the counter. A literal golden ham.

Aaron: Done.

Garroth: That looks great!

Aphmau: Hehe, Wow! Awesome!

Y/N: Wtf?

Travis: Wow.

Sylvanna: What the— How did you—?

Aaron: My dad always burns the food, so I-I've learned a few tricks.

Aphmau: Haha! You'll have to teach me how to do that sometime. My mom burns the food quite often. Hehehe.

Sylvanna: Ugh!

Everyone was now at the table sitting down. Y/N was sitting next to Travis and Garroth while Aaron and Aphmau sat next to each other. Sylvanna was sitting at the end of the table

Sylvanna: So, hahaha, how about a joke? Have you heard the one about the two muffins in the oven?

Aphmau: Tch— did you burn them?

Sylvanna: Mija, calla tu boca!  Anyway, there are two muffins in the oven, and one muffin says "Boy, it's hot in here!" And the other says "Oh my Irene, a talking muffin!"

Garroth: Hahaha. Wow, uh, that was, uh, really funny.

Travis: Hehe, good one. Never... heard that before.

Y/N: Talking muffins are real?

Aphmau: Ugh.

Aaron: Oh, have you heard the one about the three cupcakes?

Aphmau: Huh? Uh, no.

Aaron: So, these three cupcakes walk into a bar.


 Aaron: And then the last one goes "Those aren't my sprinkles!"

Everyone but Sylvanna: Hahahahaha!

Aphmau: Hahaha! That was a great joke, Aaron!

Y/N: That was pretty funny

Garroth: Hehehe, that's pretty cool. Oh, that would be a great name for a pet!

Sylvanna: Argh!

Garroth: So, Aphmau, did you finish your art project?

Aphmau: Yeah! I finished it, actually. Though, I'm not great at ceramics, but we'll see how it turns out. Heh.

Sylvanna: Ha! I bet whatever you make, Mija, will be "Irreplaceable"!

Aphmau: Mom! Again with the Beyonce jokes? Ugh!

Sylvanna: Hahaha!

Aaron: Heh, It sounds like your mom is "Crazy in Love" with Beyonce.

Sylvanna: ARGH!!!!!

Aaron: Um...

Aphmau: Uh, you took a Beyonce joke.

Aphmau: Uh, you took a Beyonce joke.

Aaron: Is- is that a bad thing?

Aphmau: Aaron, run!

Aaron then runs out of the house closing the door behind him but Sylvanna breaks down the door and chases after Aaron


Y/N: Damn, your mothers pretty strong

Aphmau: Hehe, mother strength...

Y/N: Hey, can I take the ham?

Aphmau: Yeah go ahead.

Y/N: Nice!

To Be Continued

Phoenix Drop High Season 1 x Cerberus!Male ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon