We Face Storm Spirits

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Roman Demigods

We Face Storm Spirits

Chapter 2

Considering Jason was the only familiar thing to me at the moment, I stuck by him. I started to regret that as he went further onto the sky walk. I said. "Jason, we really should get off this thing!"

Jason grabbed my hand tightly. "It's fine, come on." I glared at the back of his blond head. I did not like being this high up. It might be fine with Jason, but it was making me nervous. It was chaos all over the skywalk. Kids were screaming and stuff was flying all over the place. Backpacks, jackets, notebooks and more. Jason was pulling me, but slipped, which tripped me and I fell on top of him, letting go of his hand. He grunted from my weight. "Get up, Rory."

I grumbled. "Then you shouldn't have pulled me on this thing."

"Rory." I smirked a little, I could easily hear the exasperated tone. Surprisingly enough, with most of my memory gone, that tone from him seemed familiar. I got up quickly, looking around. I saw Leo almost fall off the railing. I felt panic fill my chest and lunged forward, but Jason grabbed him. I almost forgot my wariness of being so high due to my worry. I fiddled with the ring on my finger. It felt like a common nervous habit of mine.

Leo yelled out. "Thanks, man!"

Coach Hedge was shouting. "Go, go, go!"

I noticed Piper and Dylan by the doors, which they were holding open for the other kids. I felt worried for these kids. Even if I didn't remember anything, I felt like I was better able to handle this then they were. I moved from Jason and Leo, going to the other teenagers. Leo asked. "Where are you going?!" He was shouting over the whipping wind surrounding us. Piper was telling the kids to keep moving, her voice calm. It was admirable, she wasn't even freaking out. I moved around the skywalk, helping people up.

I pulled up a girl with blond hair. "C'mon, get to the door." She didn't say anything, but continued quickly toward the door. I did that for a couple of the other kids. Soon most of them were gone.

Jason called. "Let's go, Rory!"

I went to move forward to the doors, but felt like I was trying to run through sand. Looking at Hedge, Leo and Jason, I saw they were having the same problem. The last kid went through, but me, Jason, Dylan, Piper and Leo were still stuck on the dangerous skywalk as the wind slammed the doors shut. Piper was yanking on the doors and the kids on the other side were yelling back. Piper shouted. "Dylan, help!"

Dylan was grinning, his expression made me uneasy. "Sorry, Piper. I'm done helping." As I struggled against the wind, I watched in horror as he flicked his hand, forcing her to slam into the doors and slide across the skywalk. I felt anger tugging in my chest. "Piper!" Jason shouted at the same time as me.

Hedge called. "Girl, hold on!" I turned, he was holding Jason back and warning me back. Jason cried out. "Coach! Let me go!"

I yelled, the wind almost snatched the words from my mouth. "Coach, we have to help her!"

Coach Hedge called back. "Jason, Leo, Rory, stay back. This is my fight. I should've known that was our monster."

Leo gaped. "What? What monster?" He slapped away a worksheet that slapped him in the face.

I was ignoring what Coach said, fighting against the wind to do...something.

I lunged forward, yelping when he flicked his hand again and the wind seemed to pick me up and threw me backwards. "Nice try, girlie."

I groaned as I rolled across the skywalk, my back smacking into the railing.

"RORY!" That was Jason. I could hear his panic.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2023 ⏰

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