4. is that my hoodie ?

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𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 up to the sound of her brother screaming and yelling over his game, she groaned and shoved a pillow into her face, trying to block out his voice.

Eventually she decided to get out of bed and walk over to her brothers room, she opened his door and threw a pillow at his head.

"What?" He asked, turning around and taking his headset off.

"Why do you need to be playing fortnite at 9 in the morning? Not only that, but your screaming and the only thing that separates us is this wall," She said with an annoyed look on her face.

"Not my fault, now leave my room and shut the door," He shrugged, motioning for her to leave.

She rolled her eyes and walked out, leaving his door wide open.

"Or you could just ignore me and leave it open too," He stood up and slammed the door shut himself.

Stella walked back to her room and closed her door, walking over to her closet and picking out an outfit to wear.

Nelson and Stella were gonna go to the gym to play basketball together so she just picked out some black leggings and one of his hoodies that she borrowed but never gave back, he wanted her to keep it but never told her that.

She put on the clothes and sat down in front of her vanity, brushing her hair out and tying it back so she could do her makeup.

She put concealer under her eyes and blended it with a makeup sponge. After that she got a notification saying that Nelson was calling her.

She answered the it and leaned her phone against the vanity mirror, Nelson's face popped up on the screen.

"Hey Stella," He said with a smile, he was sitting in his kitchen eating breakfast.

"Hey Nelson," She replied, closing the concealer tube and putting it away.

"Wait, is that my hoodie?" He asked with a big smile.
Stella looked at him and smiled.

"Yea," She answered quietly with a smile on her face.

"Hi Stella!" Niles jumped into the frame with a wide grin, he waved happily.

"Oh my gosh, hi Niles," She said with a smile causing him to laugh.

"Are you coming over today? I got an extra controller so we can play fortnite," Niles told her excitedly.

She sighed sadly before talking. "I'm sorry, I cant today," She told him.

"Yea shes hanging out with me," Nelson looked at Niles with a smile.

"Ok, but you have to come over sometime," He told her, leaning over to look at Nelson's phone.

"Dont worry, I will," She nodded with a smile.

"Ok, bye!" He waved, she smiled and waved.

"Bye Niles," She said. She then grabbed her eyelash curler and brushed out her eyelashes before curling them.

"So, when do you think your gonna be ready to go?" He asked her, taking another bite of his cereal.

"Uhh, 30 minutes maybe?" She told him, setting her eyelash curler down and applying mascara.

"Ok, my brother is gonna drop us off, and we can always walk across the street to Canes if we want food," He told her. He finished his food and got up to put his bowl in the sink before coming back and sitting down.

"Ok, that sounds good," Stella nodded, she finished up her eyelashes and brushed them out one last time.

"Your makeup looks good," He said with a soft smile, he looked at her before taking a facetime photo.

✔︎ nobody gets me, nelson nuemannWhere stories live. Discover now