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Cyrus' POV

I'm not sure where she left off to. I thought she would be happy to see me. None of her friends are helping me either. Ha-rin is playing with the kids, ignoring my existence and Tracy, well, that woman vanished after my third unsuccessful attempt of trying to figure out where Lillian was.

Lillian Driscoll. The woman was unknowingly pulling all my strings and driving me crazy. I ran my hands through my hair frustratingly leaving it as it dragged itself back up.

I knew when I first met her that she was crazy strong but after getting to know her through all that sass she laid up only in front of me, she made me break all the rules I had set before getting into law.

I was not supposed to get involved with the client beyond platonic awareness. Especially as all the cases I had seen just left one party in devastating pain. But as we continued to tease each other and when she laid bare that impenetrable vulnerability, she was already working her ways to stir up my heart. And finally, I broke a rule that I set myself because she filled my thoughts both day and night in the most unholy ways.

Call me a coward but that is why I took off to California and then to Australia. She had already been through a lot as a young mother and woman and I was not looking forward to overwhelming her with what I could not define yet. To feelings that were slowly ruffling the waters of my heart.

But she called me back. I made sure she made the final call. And that one text dissolved all the resolutions I had made.

'When are you coming back?'

Hell, I was just waiting for her to tell me to come. It was all her call. I was waiting for her to be ready to meet me. All those piled feelings burst out with just one text, and I was already booking a flight to see her face which I had freaking missed. I yearned to see her again.

"Do you not know where she is?" I looked to my side to my cousin. Lauren had heard so much about Lily that she decided to come visit her friends in the US so she could see her. I don't know why she had insisted on being introduced as my friend, but God knows how scary she would turn if I said no.

"No, and none of these people would even help me." I shut my eyes before picturing her as she walked out. She was gorgeous and kind and warm. Her ex-husband was a fool.

"Tell me cousin, do you have any solutions?" I turned to her desperately just as Tracy appeared in my line of vision.

"I may..."

"Cousin?" I took an involuntary step back as Tracy shrieked. My brow lifted while I looked at her in confusion.

"Uh-oh." Their dark-haired Asian friend sounded from the side. I watched as Tracy rushed to type away on her phone waddling around a bit.

"What is going on?" I turned around to catch the sheepish look on Harin's face. Lauren just patted my shoulder and smiled.

"You've got this C. But I gotta go. Go get your girl." My phone dinged as I hugged her. Looking at the picture Brian sent had my heart racing. Because gosh was Lillian's beauty blinding.

"Where?" I turned to the girls in the room as I waved my phone at their faces.

"I think it's the bloody moon bar or something like that." I was already out of the door before I heard Tracy's last remark.

"Let the ship sail!"


Good heavens! I'm already ruined. I stood at the side of the entrance when I arrived there and there she was, swaying and moving to the music. My eyes could not stray from her form, not even when Brian moved next to me to thump my shoulders twice.

"Now that you're here I leave her to you." I clap his back to show my appreciation as he walks out. I wanted to tear all those men who were watching her with predatory looks away from her. But I couldn't help but soak in her enchanting form. It was like my eyes had screamed her name because a second later her hooded eyes were on mine. My little finger had unconsciously moved up to my lips where it drew it down a bit so that I could breathe without my heart strumming my ribcage so loudly. She completely owns me and she knows nothing about it. Never did I think that her eyes could look so captivating and undo me in the most complete way.

The way she was dancing right now made every single being in this room a little insignificant as her body was calling for my own which was now thrumming with an unknown electric current. I was about to completely lean on the wall behind me. That was before I saw a red-haired guy approach her. The look in his eyes was disgusting and my long legs had carried me to her side right in front of her with my chest pressed to hers as I towered over her. I cast a stern gaze above me to the man behind her who raised his hands in surrender before languidly slipping away.

"Sorry dude, didn't know she was with someone." He slurred away.

I looked down at the one who had overridden all my thoughts and caught her hiccup a bit. She was so wasted, and this was my first time seeing her like this.

"What are you doing Lillian?" I leaned closer to her ears so she could hear me. She tipped her head back and I traced her features with my eyes under the glow of the different colors of lights of the bar. She struggled to keep her eyes open and stumbled a bit making my hands shoot out on impulse to stabilize her, but she had already found her feet again.

"Why are you here? I thought you were having fun with blue-eyed blondie." She drawled out. I had to angle myself closer to her to hear her words. Blue-eyed blondie? She meant Lauren. That's it? This entire time she was jealous? I held and bit back my smile, heaving out a haggard breath.

"That's it? You were ignoring me because you were jealous?" I voiced out with a bit of chuckle tilting my head to the side while observing her. She was looking everywhere but at me and I had to say right here she looked so endearing. One moment her hands that were trailing that heat path were on me and the next she was withdrawing towards another incoming male species.

"Whatever! I'm going to have fun!"

Oh no, she doesn't. From now on Lillian Driscoll is being pursued by me.

I pulled her towards me and lifted her over my shoulder. She started moving about and lightly screaming. In fear of her throwing up, I pinched her smooth thigh before smoothing it over with my hand. I ignored the looks of awe others were giving me from the room as others were lost in their own world during the Christmas eve and strode out of the bar. You would think that people would be at home having their own family time, but this is the sad truth about life.


I turned to stare at the sleeping face of Lillian in the passenger's seat where she laid sleeping. She was breathing lightly, and her hair had obscured a bit of her face so I leaned forward to brush it from her face so that I could see her better. She's so beautiful it feels so surreal to watch her and it hurts not to touch her.

I stepped out and went to her side to carry her out, smiling when she snuggled in closer from the chill of the winter. It was snowing again on the already snowy land and that urged me to walk to the house faster.

I gently dropped the sleeping beauty on the bed, wiped down her face and slipped in with her. 

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