Chapter twenty three:Montague

Start from the beginning

"Come on!" Tara laughs again and pulls at my hand, snapping me out of my trance.

"I am you pain in the ass!" I laugh while following her the rest of the way to the front of the room where a flawless four layer cake sits on a gorgeous white table.

"Nice of you to show the fuck up" I feel a cold hand wrap around my forearm and begin to pull me roughly towards the table. I glance up and am met with my mother looking as angry as she always is when I am around.

"Go blow out the fucking candles, no one wants to be here any longer to celebrate someone not worth of such" My mother sneers. I look up at her and can't help but admire her beauty, even as much as she hates me I can't help but love her in every possible way.

I get roughly shoved in front of my cake and smile softly while trying to push away the tears that are brewing in my eyes.

Don't let her ruin your day.

The room quiets down and I feel everyone's eyes on me, waiting for me to blow out the candles.

My eyes flutter shut as I think of a wish worthy of using on my sweet sixteenth birthday.

I wish the darkness that lurks in me would disappear, I wish it wasn't there and that it was not part of me.

I blissfully blow out my candles and hear a soft applause break out across the room.

I open my eyes and smile as people continue clapping, but the moment I open my eyes I am met with the piercing green ones of the man I ran into earlier.

He doesn't clap. He doesn't move.

His hands are pushed into his pants pockets as he stares at me with malicious intentions in those, beautiful, green eyes.

I feel my breath hitch and my stomach begin to curl with a feeling of dread.

I stare at the man and he stares back, after a moment he gives me one simple wink accompanied by a smirk that made me feel physically sick.

The only thing that pulls my eyes away from the man is when I feel a weird warm splatter across my face as a rain of murderous gunshots ring out amongst the applause of the crowd.

Screams of pure terror break out across the room and echo in my ears as I stand in shock, barley breathing.

"Get down Ara!" Someone shrieks and I don't move until I am suddenly tackled to the floor by one of my father's bodyguards.

I hit the cold floor and feel a heavy weight land on top of me.
Ringing sounds in my ears as my entire body aches from hitting the ruthless tile. I glance up in fear as the bodyguard yells in pain, unable to move off of me.

After a moment he finally rolls of as he holds onto his side desperately. Blood begins to coat his hands and I realize that he was shot right in the kidney. I immediately take the bottom of my dress and press it onto his wound, trying to maintain pressure.

"G-get out Arabella" The man gasps while placing a bloody hand on my shoulder, "the- the Bratva-," He vigorously coughs and blood seeps out of his mouth, "they're here."

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