"Come on guys we JUST got ungrounded, let's go home." Leo said to his brothers making Jesse look at him. "Hey Leo can I ask you a question?" Raph asks him making Raph look at him while sheathing his sword away. "What Raph?" Leo asks him. "Is it weird to have your head so far up dad's butt?" Raph said to him with a smug smirk on his face. "Does it smell weird up there?" Mikey asks Leo who sits down and he leans against an A/C vent. "I bet it smells like cheese and Doritos." Donnie said to him while Cheyenne leans over to Donnie to look at his phone. Leo's brothers erupt into snickers making Leo fake laugh. "Ha, ha, ha guys. Very funny." Leo said to them while rubbing his head in annoyance. "What? Sorry, we can't hear you!" Donnie said to him while Cheyenne and Tasneem look at each other. "Your voice is too muffled through the cheese!!" Mikey said while laughing making Raph chuckle. "Hey why don't you try that Batman voice again?!" Raph said to him making Leo shake his head. "Are they always like this to you?" Jesse asks Leo who looks at her. "No..." Leo said to her making Jesse give him a look. "Yes, but I know how to handle it." Leo said to her while leaning his head on the A/C. "Sounds like fun." Jesse said to him playfully with a smile making Leo smile back at her with a red face. "Sometimes I feel pretty lonely and my brothers always harassing me 24/7." Leo said to her while shaking his face. "They are your family, after all, and sometimes that can drive you insane, so what are you going to do? We are unable to choose a different family, and the ones we do have will support us no matter what, even if they are bothering you." Jesse said to him making Leo look at her with a smile.

"Yo! Check this out in slo-mo!" Donnie yelled excitedly and he replays the video in slow-motion. "Dude!" Tasneem yelled while looking at the video. "That's the coolest thing I've ever seen!" Donnie yelled with a smile. "That's cool!" Mikey said while holding onto Donnie's arm. "Hey, let's try that again but with ninja stars." Raph said to them making the group let out a excited gasp. Raph grabs another watermelon and scribbles eyeballs and a mouth onto it. "You think you can do that with your level of skill?" Jamey asks Raph challenging him making the others look at them. "Oh, I can and I will." Raph said to her while getting in Jamey's face. "Then prove it." Jamey said to him making Raph smirk. Donnie gets ready with the camera again while Raph tosses the watermelon to Mikey who holds it over his head with an unsure look on his face. "Watch this babe." Raph said to Jamey who gives him a look. 

"Okay, eye of the tiger, Raph. Nice and easy." Raph said to himself while aiming his ninja star. "Focus up, focus up. Come on, come on, you're good." Donnie said to Raph. "Guys? Do I have to be the one to hold this?" Mikey asks them while Cheyenne looks over at Donnie's phone. "Who else is gonna do it Mikey?" Leo asks him while he stands up. "Don't worry about it Mikey, you're fine! Chill!" Tasneem said to him assuring him. "He's gonna die." Donnie said to Cheyenne. "Did you really needed to challenge him like that?" Cheyenne asks Jamey. "I am just having some fun but man if he keeps calling me babe, he going to lose more teeth." Jamey said to her making Tasneem laugh a little hearing what her sister said. "Hey why did we pick a fruit shaped exactly like my head?" Mikey asks them. "Your head looks like Stewie had a baby with Hey Arnold." Donnie said to him while laughing. "Just stop talking, you're ruining my concentration!" Raph said to them, Mikey gulps and he raise the watermelon even higher above his head. "Alright, Raph. 3, 2, hya!" Raph yelled and closes his eyes as he throws the ninja star.  "Ah!" Mikey let's out a yelp as the ninja star slices right though the watermelon then it goes off the building, hitting someone.


The group hears someone scream. "Did you hear that? What was that?" Leo asks them as he shoves past Donnie and Raph to get to the edge of the roof.  Down at street level a teenage girl has the ninja star stuck in her helmet, but she's okay. 

This is April O'Neil. 

"Hey! You on the roof! You just hit me in the head with a ninja star!! I've had a lot of messed up things happen to me, but this?!" April yells at him as the others walk over to Leo. "What's her deal?" Jamey asks them while Raph had an uninterested expression on his face. "She's yelling at us a LOT." Donnie said to them. "I think she's mad that we hit her with a ninja star." Jesse said to them. "Hey maybe we should go down and talk to her, ya know? Check in on her?" Leo said to Jesse trying to get her to think he cares about the girl who may be hurt. "Yeah what's your pickup line?" Raph asks him making Leo look at him. "Just to make sure she's okay." Leo said to him. "I'm whinyyyy, I'm LeooooOOo." Mikey said in Leo's voice. "Mr. No Rizz." Donnie said to him while the sisters stare at them. "What is happening?" Cheyenne asks her sisters. "They are telling Leo that he has no rizz." Jamey said to her. "Sounds like some thing brothers will do." Tasneem said to them with a smile while Jesse looks at Leo who was trying to stop his brothers from talking.

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