Raph goes to sharpen his sais and he licks one of them to look more bad ass.

The group burst out of the manhole cover and climbed onto the buildings rooftops

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The group burst out of the manhole cover and climbed onto the buildings rooftops. The group ran quickly, jumping from rooftop to rooftop until they all landed in a badass pose with their eyes showed nothing but seriousness.

"Master Splinter has given us a very important mission for tonight. The target is across the street. We must use stealth and cunning to infiltrate the human world and retrieve..." Leo said then he pulls out an ancient looking scroll. "Go-Gurt!!!" Leo said in a deep voice. 

"Go-gurt!!! We're going to the bodega to get go-gurt!!!" Donnie said making fun of Leo's deep voice. 

"Go-gurt!!!" Raph said mocking Leo.

"Okay Batman." Mikey said to Leo.

 "Why do you sound like that?" Raph asks him as he walks over to Leo. "Dude, what? I'm just trying to hype you guys up!" Leo said to him making Raph grabs the list. "Gimme that list, what else we gettin?" Raph asks as he starts reading. "Four quarts of non-fat milk, ice cream, fruits and veggies..." Raph reads out making Donnie nod a little. "Gross." Mikey said to himself. "And a party-size bag of Cool Ranch Doritos." Raph said to them and he shoved the list into Donnie's hands. "I like cheese puffs." Mikey said to them while Donnie looks at the list. "He was VERY specific about party size. He underlined it twice!" Donnie said to them. "Alright." Leo said as he snatch the list back while giving them an unamused look. "Donnie, you're on toiletries." Leo said to Donnie who rolls his eyes while looking away from Leo. "Got it." Donnie said to him. "Raph, you're stocking up the pantry." Leo said to him making Raph sigh. "And Mikey, you're on junk food." Leo said to his youngest brother. "Yes sirsky!" Mikey said to him with a smile actually happy about his job unlike Donnie and Raph. "And remember, don't let any humans see you! Because why???" Leo asks them making his brothers sigh. 

"Humans are the demon scum of the earth, avoid them, don't say "hi." They lust to murder that which is different from them. To interact with them, is to die."

The brothers said at the same time then Leo looks at his brothers. "And hey I know that's objectively prejudice but that's what dad taught us."  Leo said to them. "Uh, I think humans seem kinda cool to be honest... Beyonce..." Mikey said to them. "Drake! That guy's the goat of all time!" Raph said to them being a fangirl right now. "We wouldn't have K-pop without humans, so..." Donnie said to them making Raph and Mikey nod a little. "I would LOVE to have a champagne brunch with Tom Brady." Leo said to them. "Guy Fieri seems like a fun hang! And I've always wanted to go to Flavortown!" Mikey said to them seeming ecstatic. "Look we all think humans are cool...But we got a job to do." Leo said to them as he turns around to face the grocery store. "Let's go." Leo said in a deep voice making the others sigh and they do various gestures to make fun of Leo. "Let's go! I'm Leo." Mikey said mocking Leo. "Ooo I'm the leader...You sound like you have bronchitis!" Donnie said to him making Leo give them a look before the group climb down.

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