Chapter 6

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Karina had left the room at half time but returned a few minutes before the second half started alongside a a shy and confused looking women who I think was around Karinas age.

?: W-Why did you drag me in?

Karina: Everyone this right here will be our new manager. She is Kim Minju.

Minju: W-What!?

Karina: Yep now lets do good in this second half!

We went back out and got ready to start the second half.


Goalkeeper - Rondaro
Left Central Defender - Dana Klassen
Central Defender - Giotto Rigo
Right Central Defender - Devyn Leach
Holding Midfielder - Kim Kiddo
Attacking Midfielder - Gisselle
Attacking Midfielder - Winter
Left Winger - NingNing
Striker - Karina
Right Winger - Y/n L/n

Karina: Y/n listen well. We have a simple plan. Outscore them. Starting by equalizing.

Y/n: So we are gonna score two?

Karina: Exactly. Now don't push your cute ass too hard rely on us to help.

Y/n: Y-Yeah...

As team K kicked off Karina, Winter and Gisselle instantly pressured and tackled team K to get the ball. I started sprinting going onto Karinas right side giving her another option. She looked up and assessed her options before passing it to left side to NingNing who sprinted through the defense before crossing the ball into the centre. I had managed to become the furthest forward and everything seemed to slow down as the ball began to drop in front of me. Team K goalkeeper had started to move forward. I reached the ball first and tapped the ball up to knock it over the goalkeeper...the goalkeeper collided with me because of their momentum but then saw the ball drop and roll into the back of the goal...I scored...

Announcer: GOAL! Its in for the ten members of team N! Scorer Y/n L/n!

We are still trailing but I scored. Karina pulled me back to my feet and congratulated me before pulling me back so that we could resume with kick off. It was similar again but we won the ball back much deeper this time. Kido played it forward to Winter who passed to Gisselle and then to me. I managed to beat team Ks left back and break free past the defence but I was too wide to shoot. I looked up and saw her waiting. Of course she was there. I did everything I could to get the ball i to the centre of the box where Karina was waiting.

Karina: Thank you!

She didn't even hesitate to hit it first time. The ball flew into the back of the net before anyone could even react.


She came over and patted my head before speaking.

Karina: Good boy.

I blushed. Did she expect me to cross to her? How did she know that I would? We once again went back for kick off.

Mashiro: H-How did we concede two so quickly...

Y/n: Because she is the queen.

Mashiro: She's what?

Y/n: The queen of the field. When she is in command no one will beat us. We will keep fighting and she will lead us from the front...

Mashiro: Time to change that...I hope...

We kicked off again and it was a stalemate the fatigue had set it. We were struggling we held strong until the 70th minute and-


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