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"Please stop it hurts!" I yell but I know he won't stop. I try to get away from the pain but can't. "Calm down you brat!" I hear him yell I don't know what to down but I hope it stops. "All done and it looks like you lived there it again congratulations" I heard him say sarcastically. Next thing I know I'm being picked up by the mechanic spiders.

I was thorn back into my cell and was left with a piece of bread and they walked out. I was tired and decided to take a nap before the next experiment.

That was three years ago right before he got so much worse....

I woke up in my cell like always. I don't know what time. I never do. When I got up I saw that I had something on my arm and was felling someone else's emotions. Who ever it was felt upset and I wanted it to go away.

I look out of my cell and see two new people. Wait no those aren't people they are not and I don't know what they are doing here but I know that they shouldn't be here. "Come in. Welcome. I so excited to meet you." I heard the Dr say. I wish I could see him but he is up the stairs and I can't see that far.

The two new boys want up the stairs out of my line of view. "Please sit" I heard him say next. 'What are you up to' I thought. At that moment the thing on my hand started to light up I covered it and continued to listen.

"Watch out those things are dangerous. They've attacked us twice" I heard they girl say and some mechanical thing transform. "What? No. It must've been a misunderstanding. Don't judge my friend by a few bad apples. These spiders are fun loving little bots." 'Yea sure I have scares all over my body to prove they aren't.'

After that I heard clapping and was confused. 'Who would be clapping?' "Now tell me about yourselves. Where are you from" The Dr said. "Here! Uh well not here-here. See there was this creepy cave and then there were these lights."a male voice said next but it was drown out by the doctors voice "Fascinating organic-energonic hybrids. Not unlike myself."

"What are you?" The doctor said again "Transformers we think" the female voice said again. "not cybertronus cybrertronii. A new species entirely from this planet. You are cybertronus terrans!" 'HE HAS NO RIGHT TO NAME THEM THAT!' I thought 'they should be able to pick their own names of what to be called'

Whatever you say Mandroid.' The male voice said 'Hahaha' that put a smile on my face "what did you call me?" Mandroid said "if you're going to name us we get to name you right? Half human half android Mandroid?" I did get to hear what he said next because I think I passed out from exhaustion

Time skip

Next thing I know is I'm waking up to the whole base destroyed with dead spiders everywhere. I look around I can't get out without a key and I'm stuck. I hear people talking as they get closer to me 'I don't want to get hurt so I go to the corner and make myself as little as possible.

Megaton pov

Me and Optimus are walking around the base one more time before going to back to  GHOST base. We look around in till we find a spot that looked like a cell. I look to Optimus and we nod we take out our weapons just in case. When we look in I see nothing at first but then I see something in the corner of the cell.

I look to Optimus as he looked at me. We look for the key and instant we find a pad thing on the wall. He nods to me. I break it. He look at me and frowned in disappointment. I just smile. I door started to go up and we looked away from each other.

Liv pov

The door started to open and I looked up and see two big bots with weapons out I hide my face farther in the legs. "We are not here to hurt you we want to get you out of here." The red and blue one said "my name is Optimus and this is Megaton we are here to help you get out of here." I look up just a little and see a one with red eyes and one with blue eye.

I'm guessing the one with blue eyes is Optimus and the one with red eyes is Megatron. Megaton holds his hand out for me to take. I take it slowly and calmly. He picked me up slowly and then close to his chest I feel save for the first time.

I think my arm sleeve thing starts to glow as we walk away and I fall asleep.

Optimus pov

As the little girl is Megatons hand fall asleep I wonder 'how long has she been with Mandroid' as we walk up to the other bot they see the girl. The Moilts already left "who is she?" Elite-one asked. "We don't know we found her in a cell on the side on the building" I told her.

She nods and we walk back to GHOST to try and find where she came from.

Mo's pov

I feel calm come from my cyber sleeve as we were playing basketball. We stop playing and look at each other. I'm happy I'm not the only one who felt it. "Mo what wrong?" Mom asked we look at each other and nod.

"We just felt someone else's emotions" I told her. She looks a little scared for a minute. She took a breath and look at us. "We will ask Optimus about it next time we see him." I told the kids. We nodded and kept playing our game. Happy we were together.

Liv (Transformers Earthspark my OC) Where stories live. Discover now