PART I: The Mystery Gift

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"You sure that's correct? The numbers don't really add up to me."

"Yeah, sure they do, look right here," Lucia retorted, pointing to the textbook in front of them, the numbers within seemed to become even more confusing to her clueless friend by the second. Maths was a subject that Lucia prided herself on and Physics, biology, Chemistry, English, Music... The list went on for her, being as smart as she was hard sometimes.

"So, the hypotenuse is the long side, right?"

"That would be correct, Aiden," She answered. Aiden Wyatt was a popular character around the school, he was charismatic, funny, outgoing, handsome, and brave; it wasn't a challenge for Aiden when it came to making friends around school, and he didn't have many enemies either, if any at all. If only he was as smart as he was everything else, at certain points in their friendship, it seemed to be an unreasonable tradeoff at times. Lucia smirked.

"What's so funny?" Aiden asked, staring at her with his curious twinkling green eyes

"You, to be honest" She sneered, slightly amused at his now confused demeanor.

"Usually I am, yes, I dunno what I did here, though,"

Aiden stroked his chin, appearing deep in thought for the first time. "Penny for your thoughts?" She asked finally.

"Nobody says that anymore, it's outdated,"

"I say it!"

"Well, maybe you're outdated then," he muttered. It was nearing the end of a long day of school, term even, and it was obvious that Aiden was as exhausted as Lucia was, he wouldn't be so peevish otherwise. They both looked forward to the winter holidays: no more stuffy classrooms; no more monotone teacher lectures and no more homework assignments - the wait was driving them mad - just a couple of days left before they could leave.

"Mr. Wyatt, would you care to answer the question?" Mr Turner, their professor, asked, leering at the two of them. The question caught Aiden off guard.

"Is it the hypotenuse sir?" Was the reply.

"No, you dope. why were you talking during my lesson?" He frowned, he had practically given up on him at this point; Aiden gave a nonchalant shrug.

"He was asking me for the answer to this question," Lucia stepped in, pointing at her book, she hated seeing Aiden getting in trouble. Mr Turner looked unimpressed but returned to his whiteboard, nevertheless.

"You've got to be the biggest moron I know, by a good mile too, you know that?" She scoffed; Aiden chuckled at her brusque remark. He had gotten used to Lucia's constant insults; it became a part of their dynamic. They were both relieved to hear the final bell of the day ring break the awkward silence between them.

"Class is dismissed everyone, have a lovely rest of the day, I would like Lucia and Aiden to stay behind for a couple of minutes please," Mr Turner announced. The class stood up and left the room, all except Lucia and Aiden who appeared to be even more exasperated than they were before. Mr Turner signalled them to take the desks closest to him, they moved accordingly. After an awkward moment of silence between the 3 of them, Mr Turner finally spoke.

"Aiden, you are a smart student with high potential" He started, Lucia chortled at his statement, though at once pausing upon acknowledging the earnestness of his tone. Shaking his head, he continued.

"I'm afraid that, despite this, your work ethic seems to be falling short of what I would expect in this class" He continued, "If this does continue, then it might have a long-term effect on your grades, and you know I want the best for my students,". Lucia was about to interrupt before being cut off by Mr Turner.

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