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Katie's POV
Here i was sat in the back of the car cradling y/n trying to get her warm seconds feeling like minutes and minutes feeling like hours. Leah's car pulls up next to mine and Beth and Viv quite literally launch themselves out of the car and rush over to mine, I move out the way into the front to let them in. Viv immediately broke down into tears Leah trying to comfort her whilst Beth was sat with y/n talking to her. Y/n showing no signs of coming round although she was breathing it was still shallow and her body still cold.

General POV
The ambulance could be heard coming down the road sirens and blue lights flashing. Leah got out to signal where they where. The paramedics jumped out and moved y/n into the ambulance Beth and Viv followed both holding onto each other for support. They both looked broken but tried to be strong for y/n, Leah and Katie gave them both a hug before they stepped into the ambulance. Viv spoke weakly, "thanks guys we will keep you updated feel free to stay at ours or head back to yours we don't mind".

Viv and Beth stepped into the ambulance and the doors shut the paramedics where pulling your wet clothes off of you leaving you just lay there in your underwear allowing everyone to see how skinny you are. However that didn't come top of the list right now the main priority was to get you warm and get your heart rate up, the paramedics gave you some oxygen and started wrapping you in blankets to get your temperature up. Beth holding your hand whilst the paramedics did what they needed to do, Viv sat back taking it all in trying to process what had just happened, millions of questions on her mind.

You soon got to the hospital the paramedics rushing you in speaking to doctors and nurses as they go, leaving Beth and Viv to trail behind. The doctors prevented Beth or Viv going further and asked them to wait in the waiting room whilst they examined you, Viv was eager for you to get the best care possible, "I don't care how much it costs just get her better quick please" she begged. The doctor nodded and stepped away to go and see y/n, Beth pulled Viv back down to their seats and they sat there together hand in hand.

Beth's phone was going mental whilst they were waiting, all messages from the England chat overloading her phone.

Lucy Bronze: sending all our love, stay strong girls wish we could help L&K xx
Mary Earps: any update?
Georgia Stanway: keep us updated stay strong xx
Sarnia Weigman: sending hugs keep strong Beth and Vivianne x
Alex Greenwood: send my love and y/n well wishes she's strong girls xx

Beth decided to reply as she knew many of the girls loved y/n and would want to know she was ok.

Beth mead: hey girls, y/n has been found unfortunately found unconscious from the cold she was brought to hospital by ambulance around 20 minutes ago sat waiting for a doctor to come and get us, me and Viv are heartbroken but hopefully will feel better when she is home, it's been a long day but I'll keep you updated when she's home safe and well xx

Beth sent her message and switched her phone off and turned back to Viv both of them getting more and more impatient by the second. Viv ended up standing up and walking over to the reception desk, "excuse me do you know how much longer it will be before we can see our daughter y/n meadema?" The reception lady looked up and held her hand out almost to silence Viv and get her to wait, she slowly typed on the computer. The receptionist rudeness taking aback Viv and Beth. "She's currently in the emergency room getting treatment a doctor will come out and notify you when she's finished and on a ward I'm sure she will manage without you until then" she said. This really pissed Beth off and Beth shot back at the receptionist, "she's 14 for Gods sake, she's going to be in there absolutely terrified with the amount of people in there not knowing what is going on. She needs us in there." All of a sudden the conversation was interrupting suddenly by a doctor calling "meadema, y/n meadema".

I was out cold, not knowing where I was, who I was with, only ever so often hearing faint noises but not enough to work out what they were. My head hurts and my body aches, was I dead? What have I done? I feel weak and tired I manage to find a small amount of strength to open my eyes they fluttered but a blinding light causing me to squint, I was met with a doctor leaning over me she told me everything would be okay. I felt panic increase inside of me feeling the presence of so many people in the room, understanding I was in hospital I searched around frantically for my mums, both of them, one of them but they weren't there. Did they even know I was here? I couldn't see much of what was going on there where too many doctors and nurses rushing about and I was lying flat down. Tiredness and weakness over taking my body and my eyes once again closing.

General POV
The doctors still working on you placing an IV in your hand to give you some fluid and nutrients since your body was so weak and they placed heating blankets on top of you still trying to get you warmer aswell as a heart rate monitor to ensure your oxygen levels where good. They changed you and put you in a white hospital gown instead of leaving you in your underwear, the whiteness laying on your pale skin almost blended together as one. Eventually one of the doctors decided to move you to a room and to go and get your parents.

The doctor came and got us just as we where arguing with the receptionist it was a good job he came when he did as I don't know what I would have said to the receptionist probably something I shouldn't have, but when my daughter is on the line neither me or Beth care what we say. We follow the doctor down to y/n's room I could feel my anxiety creeping up inside of me but I pushed it down and held onto Beth's hand for some support. She seemed to understand my feelings and gripped on to it tight.

When we finished walking through the maze of corridors, the doctor turned and faced us and he explained the situation, "So y/n had a severe case of hypothermia, she's underweight and is very weak at the moment, we've given her some fluid nutrients and are in the process of keeping her warm and getting her body temperature levels back up. We'd like to keep her here overnight to keep an eye on her and make sure she doesn't decrease but if tomorrow her temperature levels are back up to normal then we'd be happy to let her go and we will then discuss the further plans with you at that point." Me and Beth processing what he had said and agreed we thanked him and headed on into the room, they'd given y/n a private room to herself which we where grateful for, the last thing we needed was anybody that could know us and did know us bombarding and questioning us, especially after the news of us having a daughter escaped, neither me or Beth had had the chance to look at social media yet but what we did know it would cause a stir that's for sure.

My eyes immediately looked at y/n fast asleep in a little ball on the bed, she had a peaceful look on her face almost a calming one. However that didn't take away from the fact at how fragile and weak her little body looked. Me and Beth both went and sat on the chairs by her bed and reached our hand out to hers trying to to disturb her yet comforting her. Beth spoke up, "we should probably let the girls know and Jonas, we most definitely won't be at training tomorrow and who knows about the rest of the week, it's only Monday!" I agreed, "I'm happy to message the girls, we will need to ask one of them to bring us up some stuff for us and y/n and if you want to speak to Jonas then we can sort them both out, but we both need to stay here so we are here when y/n wakes up". Beth agrees with me and she gets up and goes and speaks to Jonas whilst I message the girls..

Vivianne Miedema: hey girls we are with y/n in a room shes not woken up yet, they want to keep her here overnight I don't suppose one of you might be able to bring up some stuff for me Beth and y/n that we might need please.

Steph Catley: hey girls glad you're back with her, some of us girls are still at yours so I'm happy to drop some stuff down to you guys.

Vivianne Miedema: thanks Stephy just see what you can find and bring what you think is suitable.

I close off my phone and look at my sleeping daughter and just think about everything that has happened today wanting to understand the reasoning why and how but also knowing the only way I can find that one out is through y/n who must certainly didn't want to share at the moment. I was interrupted in my thought by two arms wrapping around me from behind I hold onto them knowing they where Beth's, "what did Jonas say?" I asked. "He was absolutely fine with it and said that it didn't matter how long we had off, family comes first" she replied whilst sitting down next to me I gave her a quick kiss and we both sat there together looking out the little window, waiting for y/n to wake up. I hear a little groan and look over to y/n and watch her eyes slowly start to Flicker.

A/n what are we thinking so far?

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