23- The Big Question: Part 1

Start from the beginning

Elena's POV

Something was wrong with Bonnie and Caroline. I couldn't tell what though.
"Right, let's go," Bonnie said just before I took off towards my lecture. I got there just in time and started the day as normal.

The day went by slowly. All I could think about was what Caroline had said, and of course Stefan and Isabella, and how she had lied straight to my face. As my last lecture came to an end, I immediately went to wait for Meredith just outside the main university building.
A few minutes later I saw Caroline and Bonnie approaching me. "Hey!"
"Oh hey guys," I replied, as I looked out for Meredith.
"Hey, are you waiting for Meredith?" Bonnie asked.
"Uh yeah I am. Are you guys just going home?" I asked them as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I went into my pocket, took out my phone and looked at the caller ID.
"Yeah we are. Who's calling you?" Bonnie asked, looking confused.
"It's Stefan," I said as I accepted the call and put the phone to my ear. I walked a couple of steps away from the others before I answered.
"Hello." I spoke cheerfully down the phone.
"Hey sweetie, how was your day?" He answered, it was so nice to hear his voice.
"It was fine, would have been better if you were there," I said as I gave a faint laugh. Just at that moment Bonnie and Caroline gave me a small wave as they started to leave. I waved back as I continued to talk on the phone. I took this time to let my curiosity get the better of me. "Have you spoken to Caroline or Bonnie today?" I asked quietly. There was a little pause before he answered.
"No. Why? What's wrong?" He asked. I gave a small sigh before answering.
"They just said that someone is being secretive, they said it was Matt but I don't know. I could tell Caroline was lying straight to my face." I said looking down at my feet. I saw Meredith come over so I smiled and mouthed 'I'll be done in a second' before listening to Stefan's reply.
"I don't know, but I'm sure they'll explain later," he said in an attempt to console me.
"Yeah I guess, listen, Meredith's here so I'll talk to you when I get back home," I said.
"Yeah of course. I love you baby," he replied, making me blush and smile.
"I love you more," I said before hanging up, still smiling like a fool.
"Hey, you ready to go?" Meredith asked as I walked over to her.
"Yeah, let's go," I smiled as we both walked side by side. I couldn't wait to have a good catch up with her and forget about the questionable events of the day.

Caroline's POV

Bonnie and I just got home and were waiting for Stefan to arrive. We were both really nervous about what he needed to ask/talk to us about. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door, which I assumed was Stefan.
"I'll get it," I said as I stood up and went to open the door. As I opened it I saw a nervous-looking Stefan holding Isabella's car seat with her inside.
"Hi, Stefan. Come on in." I moved to the side, allowing him to enter. Once he did, he sat down, took Isabella out of the car seat and placed her on his lap. The silence was deafening.
"Wow, she's gotten big. It seems like yesterday when we were seeing her in the hospital," Bonnie said trying to fill the silence.
"Yeah she has. So what did you want to ask us, Stefan?" I asked, getting straight to the point. I wasn't, and never have been, one to wait around.
"Well, to start of with, you're both Elena's best friends and I came here because I know you're the best people to talk to." His tone was laced with nerves. He looked down at Isabella before looking back at us and continuing.
"So, I wanted to ask for your opinion on something that's very important. So here it goes, I want to ask Elena to marry me," he said. I was speechless. That was not what I was expecting, I couldn't bring up any words to express how great I thought it was. Although, it now makes sense as to why he was so secretive. I felt bad for getting so worked up over it now.
Bonnie was smiling from ear to ear. "Seriously?" Bonnie asked.
"Yeah," he smiled faintly before looking at me.
"Stefan, that's amazing. I'm so happy for you two," I said as both Bonnie and I gave him a group hug. We didn't hug too tightly due to Isabella being in Stefan's arms. I heard Stefan sigh, obviously relieved by our reactions.
"You do know that she has to say yes first?" He asked us with sarcasm however, seriousness was evident in his voice.
"Stefan, you know she'll say yes," Bonnie said as I nodded along.
"I hope so," he murmured to himself.
"Do you have a ring?" I asked, trying to bring his self confidence up. We all knew that Elena would say yes, she loved him so much.
"Yes, I do. I brought it a while ago but I never had the courage to ask for your advice," he explained. I thought it was sweet how he wanted our advice before he made the biggest step in their relationship.
Bonnie was smiling from ear to ear. "So, when are you going to pop the big question?" She asked.
"Well Saturday is our three year anniversary, so I was thinking about taking her and Isabella out for the day." I nodded my head in agreement at his plan, but I also couldn't believe that they've been together for three years.
"I can't believe that you two have been dating for three years now. It's crazy. Are you proposing once you get home?" I asked as I took Isabella from his arms and sat her on my lap.
"Yeah I am, that's the plan," he said. He smiled down at Isabella, who was currently sitting up and chewing the sleeve of her baby grow .
"Do you want us to look after Isabella when you propose?" Bonnie asked as she came and sat down with Isabella and me.
"No, no but thank you. I want Isabella there because I think it'll be nice for all of us to be together. Plus Elena might get suspicious." I smiled at his words, it was sweet that he wanted it to be a family moment for them all to share.
"Yeah, that'll be sweet. I'm sure Elena will tell us everything about it the next day." Both Bonnie and Stefan laughed at this.

Stefan's POV

I was so relieved that Bonnie and Caroline were happy about the proposal idea.
"I better go, Elena will be back soon," I said as I got Isabella, strapped her into the car seat and picked her up.
"Okay, we'll see you two tomorrow," Caroline said with a slight squeal and a impossibly big smile on her face.
"Okay, don't say anything or give anything away," I said as I started to walk to the door. I laughed at their enthusiasm.
"We won't, will you Caroline?" Bonnie said turning towards Caroline and giving her a stern look.
"I won't! I'm not going to ruin what is the greatest love story of our lives," she squealed.
"Oh yeah, to do with love stories, how's Klaus?" Bonnie asked just as I was about to leave. As I was closing the door, I heard Caroline ramble on about something Klaus related. I smiled to myself as I started to walk home.
Once I got home I placed Isabella on her play mat and started to tidy up the house before Elena came back. As I was tidying up the kitchen I heard Elena come through the door.
"Hey babe," Elena called from the front door.
"Hey, how was meeting Meredith?" I asked as I came into the living room.
"It was good, nice to catch up with her. How's Isabella been?" She asked as I approached her. I wrapped my arms around her waist as I answered.
"She's been absolutely fine, you wouldn't even know she was there," I said as she smiled. She brought her lips up to mine and connected them in a sweet kiss.
"I love you so much Elena," I mumbled against her lips.
"I love you too," she replied, making us both smile brightly. I loved her so much. Everything about her was perfect. She was the world's best mother and girlfriend and I was so thankful I have her in my life.

AN: So...the big question! I hope you guys liked it! Please comment and vote! Your feedback is appreciated. Also sorry if there are any mistakes, I haven't had as much time to write this chapter but anyways, enjoy!
-Chelsea x

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