14- Congratulations: Part 1

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AN: Sorry for any mistakes, I haven't had as much time due to exams. I wanted to update for you guys as I've had requests to update. Last week of exams! So I'll have more time to update! Stelena forever!
The same day

Stefan's POV

"We need to wake her up, she's in labour. The baby is coming now," the doctor said whilst inserting a cannula into Elena's hand. I couldn't believe it. So many questions were racing around my head. In a few hours we were going to be a family. I was going to be a father; I've longed for this moment. But, I couldn't even think about celebrating this moment as the realisation of the severity of Elena's condition came crashing down on me.
"Wait, she can't give birth. She's broken her leg and she's unconscious," Caroline said, looking at me, worried. We exchanged the same concerned look until I turned back to the doctor, expecting an answer.
"It'll have to be an emergency C-Section then," the doctor replied as the surgeons came into the room.
"You'll have to wait in the waiting room, we can't let you in. I'm sorry. Someone will give you an update when we have one," the doctor explained to me. It was at that moment I felt my heart break into two. I wasn't even allowed to see the birth of my child, let alone be there for Elena. I walked by Elena's side as the medical staff pushed her stretcher into the OR, feeling the sense of dread take over. I couldn't do anything for her now, I was the definition of useless. My eyes filled up with tears; I kept telling myself that they would both be okay, but I couldn't help but think what if they weren't? What if I lose my family? I couldn't live without Elena. I was broken out of my thoughts by Caroline placing her hand on my shoulder.

"They'll both be okay, Stefan. They're both strong and have someone to fight for," she said. I simply turned around to face her and smiled weakly.
"I hope so. I don't know how I'll live without them. I can't live without them, I just can't." I said looking down and breaking down into tears once again, my voice breaking as I tried to speak. Caroline noticed this and pulled me into a long, sympathetic hug, where she only pulled away when I had calmed down.
"Let's go to the waiting room, Bonnie's there with Matt and Tyler," she softly smiled. We both walked to the waiting room to meet the others.

Caroline's POV

We were all sat in the waiting room, hoping for some news on Elena and the baby. I was so worried about her, although the Elena I knew wouldn't give up easily. She wouldn't go down without a fight. Stefan hasn't been talking much, you could see the worry plastered on his face. An hour passed before the doctor came in and called for Stefan. That's when my chest tightened from the anticipation.

Stefan's POV

I couldn't take my mind off Elena. What if she wasn't okay? What if something happened to the baby? So many things could go wrong. My spiral of concerns collapsed as I was pulled out of my thoughts by the doctor entering and calling my name. Once I saw him I immediately stood up and braced myself for the news.
He must have seen the worry in my eyes as he gave me a small, reassuring smile.
"The C-Section went great. Elena is fine, we're taking her into surgery for her leg now. She'll be out later on and we'll send her to recovery when we're done," he said. I let out a sigh of relief for the fact that Elena was okay. I couldn't explain the relief I felt but this quickly turned into concern as I still awaited the news of my baby.
"Is the baby okay?" Caroline asked, clearly noticing that my words were failing me.
"The baby is a healthy 7 pounds, and was delivered at 11:24 am," he explained. We all smiled in relief, however this all turned into excitement for knowing the gender.
"Would you like to meet your daughter?" he asked. My smile must have grown ten times bigger, I placed my hands over my mouth as I nodded. I quickly turned around to see everyone smiling brightly.
"It's a girl! I have a daughter!" I excitedly exclaimed to the others. They all smiled and shared the same excitement as I did. They all said their congratulations before I started to walk with the doctor down the corridor to see my baby girl.
"She's right in there," the doctor said as he gestured me into the room. As I walked in I caught sight of the plastic cot labelled 'Salvatore' in the midst of the sea of cots and babies. I walked over to the cot and saw my beautiful baby girl. I couldn't believe I was a father and that I actually had a family. I had the best family in the world. I must have spent at least two minutes just gazing at her in awe. She started to wriggle around as she woke up from her slumber, so I gently lifted her out of the cot and cradled her in my arms, softly rocking back and forth and kissed her lightly on the forehead.
"Welcome to the world my beautiful baby girl." I whispered to her as I felt a tear slide down my face. Everything about her was perfect, the only word worthy enough to describe such a beautiful girl. Our moment together was perfect, I never wanted it to end. I was always going to be here for her, to pick her up when she falls, to protect her and to love her unconditionally.
I took my finger and delicately rubbed her soft hand. "I love you so much." I whispered to her. She curled her fingers around my hand as she let out a yawn. I smiled as I started to rock her back to sleep.

Bonnie's POV

"I can't believe that Elena and Stefan have a baby girl!" I exclaimed to the others. They all just laughed at how excited I was.
"I know! I'm so excited to find out the name," Caroline said as we all nodded our heads in agreement. We all turned our heads as the doctor emerged from the hallway.
"You guys can go and see the baby now if you'd like. They're in the parenting room labelled 24B," he said before he smiled and left. No time was wasted, we all got up and made our way to the room. Once we got there we all stood at the threshold of the door and stared in awe as we watched Stefan rocking the baby slowly in his arms. Once he noticed our presence, he looked at us and smiled softly.
"You guys, meet our beautiful baby girl," he said as we slowly entered the room.
"Oh my gosh Stefan, she's beautiful," I said as I gently stroked her little head. He let out a gentle laugh as he began to speak.
"She looks so much like Elena," he said as he lightly stroked her cheek.
"Do you want to hold her?" He asked us. Caroline and I eagerly nodded. He gently placed her in my arms once I had sat down. I smiled down at the gorgeous girl I was holding in my arms, you could definitely tell who her parents were. After a few minutes of holding her, I passed her on to Caroline to hold.
"She's so beautiful, look at her tiny hands," Caroline said as she rocked the baby in her arms.
"She's perfect. I can't wait till Elena sees her," Stefan said as he smiled over to us. Caroline smiled and gently passed the baby back to Stefan, who placed her in the cot so that she could sleep before she met her mother.

Stefan's POV

We sat together talking, trying to pass the time. It had been a two hour wait before the doctor came in with some news on Elena's condition.
"Stefan, Elena is out of surgery. We've brought her into the recovery ward, she's awake and she wants to see you," he explained as I got up. I nodded my head as I followed him out and into her room. That was when I saw her. I saw the love of my life, she was alive, that was all that matter. Her head lifted from the pillow at the sight of me.
"Stefan," she weakly called out to me. Her voice was like a song to my ears.
"Elena." I said, rushing over to her. Words were over taken by the relief I felt, she was alive. Once I had gotten to her I engulfed her into a warm hug, never wanting her to leave my arms. I loved her being in my arms. I always knew she was safe when she was in my arms. She rested her head in the curve of my neck as I let my tears fall. Once she noticed she pulled away and looked into my tear-filled eyes.
"Why are you crying?" She asked looking concerned.
"I was so worried about you. I didn't know if you were going to be okay and I just thought about how I couldn't live without you. I can't, Elena, I need you," I explained, still crying. She slowly lifted her hand up to my face and wiped away my tears with her finger.
"Baby I'm fine. I would never leave you or my baby without a fight. It's just a broken leg," she said as she looked down at her cast that was supporting her leg.
"I know. I'm also just happy that our family is whole," I said as I took her hands in mine.
"Where is the baby?" she asked as she smiled down at our entwined hands.
"I'll show you. Do you want to meet our daughter?" I smiled as I saw her face light up the second I said 'daughter'.
"We have a baby girl?" she stuttered out in pure joy. I nodded as I brought her lips level with mine. Our lips met in a long, passionate kiss.
"I love you so much," I whispered against her lips. She smiled and kissed me harder.
"I love you too," she said back as I pulled away and gazed into her eyes.
"Let's go make our family whole," I said as she nodded excitedly. I left to go and reunite my family. This was the moment our family became complete.

AN: It's a girl! You'll find out the name next time in part two. There was so much to write so I decided to make it a two part event. Hope you guys like it!
-Chelsea x

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