4- The News

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AN: I really hope you guys like it! Thank you all for 60+ reads! Again sorry for any mistakes, it's difficult on my phone.

Two days later

Elena's POV

Dear diary,
I'm so glad to be home. Sleeping in my own bed is much more comfortable than sleeping in a tent. I still don't feel great, but I'm trying not to worry too much since it's likely that I'm just coming down with a cold or worst case scenario, the flu. I have to admit, Caroline and Bonnie have been acting really weird since we came back. They seem to know something that I don't know, something big that I just can't work out. They keep asking me if I'm okay, and if I need a hand with my bags, which is really strange. In all the time that I've known them, they've never acted like this around me. Stefan's been here for me as well, like he normally is, and I stayed over at his dorm when we came back. It was such a nice wake up call to have him next to me after a stressful camping trip.
I better get up, I have a few lectures today, but I really don't feel like I have the energy to go to any of them. However Stefan will be there, so at least that's one thing I have to look forward to.
Love Elena x

I placed my diary in its usual spot and started to get ready for the day ahead of me. I walked into the bathroom to quickly get dressed. Once I finished getting dressed, I put some nude make-up on, I put on my vanilla lip balm, which I knew was Stefan's favourite. Smiling to myself at that thought, I decided on simply straightening my hair, since I had no idea what to do with it.

Caroline's POV

I was panicking. I had been for the last two days now, the nagging feeling just wouldn't go away. What if Elena was actually pregnant? I bought some pregnancy tests for her to use, I was just hoping that she doesn't get mad at me but she needed to know. I needed to know. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Bonnie impatiently tapping my shoulder.
"Caroline! Caroline!" She called at me in a quiet tone, so that Elena wouldn't hear.
"What?" I replied, a little irritated with the fact that she interrupted me when I was trying to work out what to do.
"If you're a vampire, then why not use your vampire hearing to see if there's two heartbeats? Assuming that she's far enough along for there to be one that is." She asked, almost sounding proud that she thought of it first. But she hadn't.
"Bonnie, I've already thought of that. I don't want to interfere with it, I want Elena to be the first to find out, it's only fair," I said. I really didn't want to get involved in Stefan and Elena's business. I'll always be here for her though.
Once Elena had emerged from the bathroom I wasted no time in giving her the tests.
"Elena, could you do me a favour please? It'll be quick." I asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. I almost swung the bag upside in my attempt to be 'casual'.
"Uh... yeah sure, Caroline. What do you need?" She asked whilst sighing with what sounded like tiredness. She walked over to her bed and started to pack her bag, still keeping half of her attention on me.
"Well, I don't know how to say this, but I want you to have these." I handed her the plastic bag with the pregnancy tests in. She looked at me confused, obviously not knowing what was in the bag. She looked in the bag, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
"Caroline, I'm not pregnant. Stefan's a vampire, there's no way I can be pregnant and-." I interrupted her by simply looking into her brown eyes and did my best to lace my tone with sternness. "Just trust me," I said. Nobody said anything else, all she did was nod. She made her way to the bathroom, locking the door behind her. If my heart could beat it would be racing, my best friend could be pregnant. Pregnant. The word rang in my head over and over. I do hope Elena's okay with the outcome, despite what could possibly happen.

Two minutes later

Silence. Dead silence. It was killing me, I needed to know the answer. Bonnie and I both glanced over at one another, both of us clearly looking stressed from the tension.
We both brought our attention to the bathroom when we both heard a faint crying sound. Damn. Before I could ever begin to think about the situation, we heard the sound of the door unlocking and a swollen-eyed Elena came into our sight, holding up 3 pregnancy tests.
"They're positive," she simply said, crying harder as she brought her free hand to her face. We swept her into a tight hug, hoping to calm our friend down. I didn't know whether to be happy or not, Elena doesn't seem happy about this. We must have stayed in the hug for a good 5 minutes before we felt Bonnie begin to pull out of the hug.
"Elena, Caroline and I are going to be with you every step of the way. You don't need to worry about bringing your baby up alone, because I promise you, you won't. And I have no doubt that Stefan will be here for you as well. He's always wanted to be a father, and he loves you so so much. So much that Caroline and I are jealous," she laughed slightly at the end. It brought me to tears, but she was right. Elena had no need to worry. "Bonnie's right, we're going to be here for you no matter what happens. I know it's a shock, and it is to us too, but this isn't necessarily a bad thing. You get to have a baby with your soulmate, a baby that you never thought you'd have." I smiled at her as tears continued to slide down my cheeks. I just hoped I've made her feel at least a little better.
"Thank you guys so much, I don't know what I would do without you two. I'm so grateful that I have the two most amazing friends anyone could ever ask for." Elena said with a small, weak smile, tears continuing to fall from her slightly blood-shot eyes.

Elena's POV

I couldn't believe it. This was the one thing I didn't have to worry about, well I thought I didn't have to worry about. I just didn't know how to tell Stefan, I didn't even know if I was truly happy about it. I mean, what was going to happen to my education? Will Stefan and I be able to handle this? What will my mum and dad think? So many questions were flowing through my mind until my questions were pushed towards one thought: This was our baby. Caroline was right: it was a baby I never thought we'd have. Stefan and I could have a family, against all the odds, our love has shone through, pushing the limits of impossible. We've made this possible.
"I don't even know how this was possible, but to be honest, I don't care. We'r going to have a family. I'm going to have a baby!" I said, but this time with a massive smile on my face. They instantly brought me into a group hug, but this time it was a cheerful and joyous hug.
"So how are you going to tell Stefan?" Bonnie asked. I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'll come up with something, he'll be here soon anyway and I need to go re-do my make-up, I look like a mess." I slightly laughed to myself and made my way to the bathroom. Whilst I was doing my mascara I heard the door open so I immediately ran out of the bathroom to be met with his beautiful face. He smiled at me, which only made my heart skip a beat. I smiled back at the man who was the father of my unborn child, just the thought of Stefan being a father could lighten up my day. He opened his arms up to me, and I willingly ran into them. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, holding me close to him, I did the same to him, comforted by his familiar embrace. He lightly kissed my head and caressed my cheek with his thumb and I sighed at his touch. I looked over to notice Caroline and Bonnie staring at us in awe however once they realised I knew they were staring, they instantly diverted their attention into getting ready for their first lecture.
"Babe, I have something to tell you," I said softly, looking into his beautiful, leafy green eyes. I started to tremble but I knew I had to tell him. He deserves to know.
"What's wrong?" He said, his eyes plastered with concern as they searched my face for an answer. He started to faintly trace his fingertips on my arm, which always made me smile.
"I don't know how this happened, but I'm happy, we've always wanted this." I started to ramble, unable to say the word. He just looked at me with confusion and placed his hand on my cheek, gently stroking it with his thumb. I sighed, knowing it's now or never.
"Stefan I'm pregnant. With your baby." I spoke confidently and just looked at him. I couldn't read his face, and for the first time in a long time, I had no idea what he was thinking.

Stefan's POV

"Stefan I'm pregnant. With your baby," she said. I couldn't believe my ears. Elena's pregnant? Did I just hear that right? How was this possible? I was going to be a father? Was I going to be a good father? These questions came flooding into mind only to be stopped by one thought: I've always wanted this. I've always wanted to have a child with someone I loved and now I could. I loved Elena with all my heart, I will protect her and our baby with my life.
"We're...we're going to have a baby?" I stuttered out, my words failing me. I smiled, overjoyed that Elena and I could finally have the family we've always wanted.
She simply nodded and smiled, her smile couldn't get any bigger even if she tried. I picked her up, spinning her around I pulled her into a deep, passionate kiss. I felt her arms wrap around my neck, pulling us closer and deeper into the kiss. We pulled away for air, and I looked deep into her beautiful chestnut eyes.
"I love you Elena, and I love this baby already. I'll look after you both, I'll never leave you." I kept my voice at a whispered tone, keeping it between the two of us. Elena smiled, looking relieved about what she just heard; she opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by the squeals coming from Caroline and Bonnie. We both pivoted slightly to reveal an ecstatic Bonnie and Caroline, they both looked so excited. I felt relieved knowing that Elena has supporting friends, I knew they would always be there for her. Elena had her back to me as she faced them, so I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around her waist and place my hand on her stomach. She placed her hands on top of mine and smiled up at me, her smile had the power to brighten up my day.
"I guess I didn't have a cold in the end," She joked, with that Bonnie and Caroline laughed, and I kissed the top of her head.
"Elena, we never asked, how many weeks are you?" Caroline asked, whilst grabbing her bag.
"I'm 11 weeks, so I'll have go for my first scan soon," she gleamed. I smiled down to her and whispered in her ear.
"I can't wait." I kissed her ear as she turned to face me. We stared into each other's eyes until we were interrupted by Caroline telling us it was time to leave. Hand in hand we walked out of the dorm, followed by Caroline and Bonnie.
Our family would finally be complete. Elena was the love of my life, I would protect her no matter what. This baby was, without a doubt, the best thing that's ever happened to us.

AN: Hope you guys like it! It was difficult to write as I haven't really been in a situation like that, but I hope I pulled it off! I also made it so Elena's parents are alive.
-Chelsea x

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