22- Stefan's Birthday

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A week later

Stefan's POV

I woke up in the best way possible: holding the love of my life in my arms. She was so beautiful when she was asleep, as well as awake, with her long, brunette hair flowing over her shoulders and her soft lips curled into a small smile. I felt her stir a little, so I tightened my grip around her slightly and gazed at her as she sleepily turned around in my arms. Her eyes slowly opened, and she smiled. I smiled back before tucking a stray strand of of her hair behind her ear.
"Happy Birthday baby," she said in a sleepy tone. I had completely forgotten about my birthday until she had said that.
"No, I don't want to get older," I whined, pulling a pillow over my face. All I heard was Elena's muffled giggles as she was trying to pry the pillow off my face. Once she had succeeded she leaned down and kissed me passionately on the lips, making me slip into a mini paradise.
Our moment ended then and I was forced back into reality as Isabella started to cry. I sat up and started to climb out of bed before I felt Elena push me back down on the bed.
"I'll get her." She smiled, pecked my lips, and she got out of bed. She carefully picked up Isabella, rested her against her chest, and returned to bed, all the while having a smile on her face.
She kissed Isabella's head. "Somebody wants to say happy birthday." She gently passed Isabella over to me. I cradled her against my body and felt every little breath she took, her tiny hand wrapped around my finger, and her head rested on my shoulder. I couldn't describe the love I felt for this beautiful, precious baby. I looked from Isabella to Elena, who was smiling from ear to ear.
I smiled up to her angelic, delicate face."What?"
"It's just nice to see you two together. You're such a great father," she said, her eyes glazed with tears.
"Aw come here." I said, gesturing her closer. She leaned her head on my chest, next to Isabella, and I took the opportunity to wrap my arm around her waist. I kissed them both lightly on the head. "I love you both. You're both my girls." Elena lifted her head in response.
"I love you too," she said, sending me into overdrive.

Elena's POV

After an hour of staying in bed, we finally decided to get up. I fed Isabella whilst Stefan got ready to meet up with Damon. I was so glad they were going to hang out today, they hadn't really seen each other lately so it would be good for them to reconnect.
I quickly changed into leggings and one of Stefan's t-shirts, considering I was just going to be decorating today. Once I had gotten dressed and tied my hair in a high ponytail, I went downstairs with Isabella and waited for Damon to arrive.
I waited about twenty minutes before I heard a knock on the door. I got up, with Isabella still in my arms, and opened the door to reveal a smiling Damon.
"Hey Damon, come on in," I said moving to the side to gesture him inside. He politely nodded his head slightly before walking in.
"It's good to see you again, Elena, and of course Isabella," he said looking down at Isabella, who was curled up in my arms.
"Yeah, it's great to see you again. Do you want to hold your niece?" I asked. His smile widened as he nodded his head rapidly, showing his excitement. I gently placed Isabella in his arms as I saw his face brighten. Stefan was right, he was a great uncle and brother. I was glad Stefan had Damon, especially after what the two of them have been through.
"I'll go and get Stefan," I said, walking over to the stairs. I climbed a few steps before calling Stefan's name. I waited a few seconds before I saw Stefan descend down the stairs, giving me a light kiss on the forehead once he reached me.
"Have fun you two. Go out and enjoy yourselves." I said, gesturing them out of the door subtly. I was very time-conscious, Caroline and Bonnie would be here in about ten minutes and I couldn't risk Stefan knowing what I was up to. I took Isabella out of Damon's arms as they both started to walk to the door.
"Bye, I love you. I'll see you for our date tonight," Stefan said as he lightly kissed my lips.
"Love you too. I'll see you later. Have fun with your brother," I replied as we pulled away. I watched them walk to the car and gave a subtle nod to Damon. He returned the gesture, showing he was going to carry out the plan. Once they were out of sight I saw Bonnie and Caroline emerge from behind the bush adjacent to our driveway. I laughed at their entrance and ushered them inside.
"Right Caroline, what are we doing first?" I asked, knowing she already had a long list of jobs.
"Elena, you hang up the decorations. Bonnie, you fill the balloons and I'll prepare the last of the food. Klaus will be over soon to help with everything," she instructed. We both gave a nod before hurrying along to get on with the decorating.

Stelena: Eternal Love (1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant