45. Taylor or Mr. Jeon

Start from the beginning

Jungkook takes Areum in his arms who immediately snuggles in her father's arms feeling safe and protected in his hold.
Jungkook leaves from the office.
Principal still being confused with Jungkook's behaviour gives suspension to Roy for a week.
Jungkook comes outside and takes Taehyung and Hae-jun to his car. A bodyguard has already bought Hae-jun's and Areum's bag from their class. He asks his driver to take Taehyung's car to Jeon Mansion. He sends Areum and Hae-jun along with him with some guards following them while he takes Taehyung to his car and himself starts driving towards their apartment.

Taehyung looks at his husband confusedly who is looking way too calm for this situation. He says, "Hubby why you asked the driver to take Areum to Jeon Mansion."
Jungkook replies with an emotionless face, "Because you and Areum are going to stay in Jeon Mansion for sometime now as I have to go abroad due to some urgent work."
Taehyung says, "W-We can come with you." He is not at all liking the way his husband is talking with him. Today for the first time Jungkook don't have that softness on his face while talking to him. It made him really restless.
Jungkook says in a stern voice, "No I will be going alone and you both will stay at Jeon Mansion."
But he immediately regrets when he hears Taehyung sobbing. He curses himself internally for talking to his baby wifey while using such a cold voice. He parks his car on a side and looks at the male beside him who is sobbing while looking towards his lap.

Jungkook immediately removes their seatbelts and makes Taehyung sit on his lap. He holds Taehyung's face in his hands and wipes his tears lovingly and then pampers his whole face with kisses and smooches.
Taehyung giggles lightly feeling ticklish. Jungkook stops kissing him after sometime and says, "I am so sorry baby for talking to you like this."
Taehyung pouts and says in a cracked voice, "D-Don't talk to me in that tone again. I-I don't like it."
Jungkook says, "I promise love that I will not do this ever again. I am so sorry baby. My pretty little strawberry. My sweety. My wifey."
Taehyung hugs his husband and hides his face in Jungkook's chest.

He says after sometime, "I don't want to see that man ever again.  He made me feel so uncomfortable, hubby."
Taehyung shivers slightly after remembering the animal like gaze of Alexander.
Jungkook clenches his hands feeling him trembling like this. He will make Alexander wither and tremble in fear soon.
He tightens his hold on Taehyung and says, "It's all right love. No one can hurt you till I am here."
Taehyung nods his head and mumbles, "I know." He rubs his face on Jungkook's chest like a small kitten.
Jungkook says, "Baby go back to your seat as I have to drive."
Taehyung mumbles, "No."
Jungkook says, "Tae go to your seat. You can sleep after reaching home as we are not far away from our apartment."
Taehyung says, "B-But I..."
Jungkook says, "I know you always rubs your face to my chest like this when you are feeling sleepy. I will sing for my baby to make him sleep if he agrees to go to his seat now."
Taehyung agrees to leave his husband's lap as later he will sleep while hearing his husband singing for him.

Soon they reach at their apartment and Jungkook makes Taehyung sleep by massaging his head along with singing for him.
Jungkook then places pillow in Taehyung's arms so that the male won't feel his absence and covers him with duvet to keep him warm.
Jungkook then packs Taehyung's and Areum's bag as they will stay in Jeon Mansion for sometime.

He leaves his room and calls Namjoon. He says, "Hello Namjoon."
Before he can say more Namjoon cuts him in middle and says desperately, "Boss please let me come with you. This mission is dangerous. Please don't leave me here. You shouldn't go alone there."
Jungkook says sternly, "Namjoon we have discussed about it already. You are staying here."
Namjoon says, "But boss your safety is most important for me. It's my responsibility to protect you."
Jungkook voice softens. He says, "I am giving you biggest responsibility Namjoon. Take care of my family in my absence. They are my first priority."
Namjoon says, "Boss no one knows no one will doubt you. They won't do anything with your family as they don't have any idea that it's you behind everything. If you will go alone then I will be worried. Please let me come with you."
Jungkook says, "They all will be there so don't worry. Also my baby will be there for me."
Hearing this Namjoon relaxes. He says, "Then I promise that I will take care of everything here."
Jungkook humms and then after discussing some more things with Namjoon he cuts the call.

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