Jungkook shakes his head as Shin chuckles.

" You brat!" Jungkook starts tickling Jungwo who starts  laughing asking him to stop.


Mr Kim sniffs as his mouth waters at the smell of tasty cookies being baked by Mrs Kim with her grandchildren.
Soon Mrs Kim places the baked cookies on the dinning table.

" Kids!! Time to have cookies baked by us!"

Mrs Kim calls them as Mr Kim too aproaches dinning table along with other children.

" Look at the creativity of our grandchildren, honey . They have decorated cookies so well!"

Mrs Kim smiles at Mr Kim who nods smiling too.

" Honey can I have one please!!"
Mr Kim requests.

" I am sorry but  you can't have them they have so much of sugar in them. "

Mr Kim requests again but she denies as Mr Kim walks out in the garden to distract himself from the smell of tasty cookies as he sits down on a bench sadly. He looks down at his hands. That's when Mrs Kim wraps her arms  around him from back as  her cheeks touch his face.

" Don't worry I have prepared some special sugar free cookies for my darling !"

Mr Kim's eyes lightens up.

" Really?"
Mrs Kim nods as his heart warms up.

" Now I know from where my sons got this caring nature , they got it from their mom. "
Mr Kim speaks as Mrs Kim blushes a little

" Wait let me get them for you."

Mrs Kim sits beside him with those cookies as Mr Kim pecks her lips.

" Best wifey in the world! "

Mrs Kim chuckles as Mr Kim enjoys the sugar free cookies.

Mrs Kim leaves as Jungwo sits beside his grandpa.

" I got something for you grandpa! "
" What is it Jungwo?"

Jungwo shows him the cookie he saved for his grandpa because he knows how much foodie his grandpa is.

" Is this for me?" Mr Kim asks in awe

Jungwo nods. Mr Kim hugs him.

" You are my favorite grandchild you know that? "

Jungwo chuckles.
Mr Kim parts from hug as he ruffles Jungwo's hair.
He eats the cookie enjoying it.

" I see you are really like your appa! He used to do same for me then later on your  Y/N aunt  joined our team and now... I officially include you in our team, Welcome to our team Jungwo! "

Jungwo smiles widely
Mr Kim and Jungwo gets involve in talks as Mr Kim tells him about this Columbian saying that if you eat twelve grapes under the table on the night of new year and make wish your wishes comes true. Jungwo gasps at this information as he takes a mental note to try this during new year celebration night.... Soon Jungwo starts asking him about the marriage of his mom and dad like how his parents met and all, and then shifted to Mr and Mrs Kim's marriage.

"  Wow grandpa I didn't knew you both met during your college days....Hmm that's interesting ..."

Jungwo thinks for a while engrossed in his thoughts.

" Grandpa will I get a wife too in future?"

Mr Kim is taken aback by this sudden question but he chuckles.

The Kim Family // KTH ff / JJK ff (feat Jimin) Where stories live. Discover now