Chapter 3: Yay. I'm Stuck at a Death Eater Meeting.

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A/N: So sorry for the wait! I haven't looked over at this book for a long time and I was excited to see how many people have read it. This chapter is fast-paced and not one of my best ones. Let me know if you like it in the comments. If you want anything to happen. Let me know! I'm very excited to have written this, so enjoy! I only own Ara, the rest belong to J.K. Rowling.


"Ara," he spoke, "Do you agree."

When he spoke my name, shivers ran down my spine.

"Yes," I said as a chill went through me.

My father nudged me, and I knew I did something wrong.

"Yes," I said again, "My Lord."

I gulped, why did I say that? Soon, I'll end up with a dark mark on my left arm.

"Good," he said in a dark tone.

I hung my head, that was the only thing that could hide my fear. He scared me. He had very pale skin, and the way he spoke made me anxious to get away. And his eyes, were slits, and the color of them were red. I have only been here for 20 minutes, and I know this is not someone I can get away from.

"My Lord," someone says from the end,"Where did we leave off on the Lawson Family?"

My ears perked up, Danielle Lawson is one of my good friends. A wave of fear came over me and my mother noticed the name as well for she too looked worried. Danielle's parents are friends with mine, at least my mother. Despite her half-blood status, my father allows me to be friends with her.

"Weren't you listening?" he spoke, "We shall hold off on all actions for a few months, so the Ministry has no chance of discovering that I have come back. Understood? However, we shall continue with our list when the Ministry notices."

It took me a minute, but I pieced together. When he comes back to power, my friend will die and I can't tell her. All I could think about doing was crying, but I didn't. A single tear left my eye and fell onto my hand. I looked up, trying not to cry. Luckily, the meeting was dismissed before I could start bawling.

When they all left I screamed,"Why me! Why do I have to stand around waiting for someone to die?!?"

I ran into my room and threw my shoes at the wall. I collapsed on the bed and muttered, "Never again."


Flash-Forward, August 31

"How am I expected to continue with my life as though nothing has happened this summer?" I blurted, interrupting the subject of Hogwarts.

"Ara!" my mother scolded, "We already went over this. What you saw this summer was nothing. Don't tell anyone, especially that nosy friend, Sarafina Ainsworth."

"She's not nosy! She's perceptive."

"Isn't she a Ravenclaw?" Draco chimed in.

"Wow Draco!" I say sarcastically, "I would have never known that my dearest friend was a Ravenclaw!"

He rolled his eyes and I brushed it off. What an idiot! All that matters to him is blood purity and Hogwarts house.

"Just don't say a word, Understood?" Mother said, glaring at Draco and I.

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