Chapter 2. Preparations

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Do not listen to the talk of cursed flames.

The wedding is only 2 weeks away, and the preparations have yet to be completed. Axol and Melony are rushing around trying to make sure they have enough people. So far Axol has 3 as his best man with Luigi as his Groomsmen and Melony has both Meggy and Saiko as bridesmaids. "We still need someone to make the food". Axol said. "I know, maybe one of our friends could help". Melony said. "Excuse me, I hope I'm not being rude, but I've noticed that you need someone to make the food. May I help with that". They turn to look at Bowser. "Are you sure you're okay with doing this"? Axol asked. "Of course, why would I suggest it if I didn't think it was. Let's see, you'll need a cake, some pastries, perhaps some cupcakes or cookies"- He continues talking to himself for a moment before he looks up and says "Sorry about that, I was just thinking about what I should make. I'll go start the preparations now." He turns and leaves. "Alright, now what do we have left"? Axol said, checking the list. "Let's see, we need a flower girl, an officiant, a ring bearer, and a place for the ceremony. How did I forget we also need invitations". "I'll gather everyone who doesn't have a job." She cleared her throat and said. "Everyone who doesn't have a job yet could you please come over here".

After a little bit, everyone who didn't have a job gathered before her. Those gathered were SMG4 Tari Karen, Bob and 5. "Alright so far all of you don't have anything to do for the wedding and we still have some jobs left so we'd like it if you could help us out. The jobs we have left are Flower girl, ring bearer, invitation writer and a location. Could any of you help with this". Axol said. "Let me ask Katie". Karen said, everyone turning to look at her. She ignored them, instead turning to Katie and asking. "Hey Katie, mind helping these two out? Katie thought for a moment before answering. "OK, how do you want me to help"? "Okay you two", Karen said, turning to Axol and Melony, "How about my daughter be a flower girl for your wedding? Does that sound good"? "Sure, I see no reason why not." Melony said she walked over to Katie and crouched down before explaining, ". Basically all you have to do is walk out before the bride and scatter flowers on the ground". "I'll write the invites"!! Tari exclaimed. Melony thanked her and at that moment, Cory opened his mouth "AAAAAHHHHH". Cory  yelled "Not now Cory". Karen said, exhausted. "Thank you for the help, now 4, what would you like to do"? Axol asked. HE thought for a minute before saying, "I'll be the Ring Bearer". "HeY, wHaT aM i sUpPoSeD tO dO"? Bob interjected. Axol replied with a moment of thought with, "You can arrange the music, just don't put any of your music in it". "WhAt WiLl YoU dO tO StOp It"? "Sword". Melony replied "WhAt"? The camera pans back to reveal Melony pointing her sword at Bob, smiling sweetly the whole time all the while. "GoOd PoInT". He said, fearing for his life. "Well guess now is as good of a time as ever". Muttered 5. Axol turned to look at 5, and asked concerned, "What are you talking about"? "Something I haven't used for a long time; from way before I entered this realm". He paused for a moment before saying "I have a marriage licence, so I should be able to find a place for you two to get married, I should also be able to get you two married as well; alongside all of that, I can help deliver some of the invitations". "You, of all people have a marriage license". Karen said. "trust me Karen, there are things about me that could shock even you". Everyone was confused why he was so dramatic, but shook it off. Melony thanked him then turned to everyone. "Well, thank you everyone for agreeing to help us for our wedding. You should all probably go start the preparations now". Melony announced "Well Tari, we should probably get working on the invites." 5 said. "Okay". Tari responded.

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