Chapter 1. The Meeting.

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Beware the bloodied blade.

This story takes place 4 months after WotFI.

Outside of Princess Peach's castle 3 and 4 are talking. "-ny are getting settled into their new home. 1, 2 and Spudnick are all good as are 0, Niles and Fred". 4 recounts. "Well that's every-one." 3 states. "Yup. Now where's Mario? Off eating rocks again". 4 joked. "Nope leaves this time". 3 retorts. They both laugh at the joke. 4 composes himself and says, "We really should tell the others we're gay. This will probably be the last convenient time for a while". 3  nods his head,  and says, "Yes, we'll tell the others during the announcement. I have to go back to the Internet Graveyard". 3 said while opening a portal. "Okay, goodbye. See you in a little". 4 said as 3 left. He smiled for a moment, before turning around and walking off. He walked around for a while, then he pulled out a plate of spaghetti. "Mario, Mario come here I have some spaghetti". He shouted as he put the pasta down. The sound of scampering feet approaches are heard getting closer. Out from a bush steps Mario. He takes one look at the spaghetti, and with his eyes crossed, eats it in one bite. "There you are Mario". 4 said calmly. "What do you say we get everyone together?"  "Yes". Mario violently agreed. With that, they enter the castle and 4 shouts. "Everyone get down here, it's 12:00. We have to get ready for the meeting between our universes in an hour". Everyone gave out a general shout of agreement and came down from their rooms. Do any of you have any announcements to say at the meeting today? No. Okay, well me and 3 have something to announce. We have been waiting to tell you this for a few months. "What is it"? Boopkins Asked.

In the internet graveyard, Three stands within his Starbucks home in front of a mirror messing with his hair. "How do I look?" 3 asked, seemingly to himself. "Do I look good? Hmm. yeah I say I do look good enough. The Internet Graveyard is looking pretty good, thanks to me of course. No, I have to be honest, Terrance helped me." He picked up an object, picked it up, put it back down,  and left, smiling.

Outside of Peach's castle, everyone gathered is standing out front of the castle with 4 is standing a little ahead of all of them holding his phone to his head. "Hey, Karen, if you're coming today,  do you have someone to supervise your kids or will you be bringing them. Oh you will, that's nice to hear". He hung up the phone and turned to look at his friends. "Alright as you may or may not have heard on the phone Karen is coming over for the meeting and she is bringing her kids Zach, Katie and Cory". As he says that a portal appears and SMG3 walks out of it. 4 turned to waved at 3 smiling, who waved back, looking as if he was doing that reluctantly. "Ah there you are, took you long enough. They'll be here soon. I couldn't miss this. I have no choice in this matter. At that moment, Two USB's appear, one with a black body, downwards facing red arrow and white outline. The other has inverted colours with the arrow being replaced by an black arrow. "There they are". 3 says in an exhausted voice. The pods land in the fields in front of the castle with the front panels lowering into ramps as everyone approach. Out of the black and red one steps Niles, 0 and  and out of the black and white one, 1 and 2 step out.  "Hello, nice to see all of you again". 4 greeted. "Thanks". said Niles. "It's nice to be back". 0 Said. "Agreed". 1 agreed "We're all here now"? 2 asked. "Correct". 3 said. "Alright, well the meeting is in 25 minutes. Do any of you have anything to announce"? 4 asked "We have 3 developments in meme technology". Said 1. "We'll tell you when it's our turn". Continued  2. "Alright", 4 said concerned "well me and 3 here have something to announce". "Shouldn't 5 be here by now"? Nile asked. As if waiting for that, a ball of light flies out of the sky stopping right before it crashes. "Sorry if I'm late, a weird demon attacked me". 5 apologised. "You're not late. Do yo-". 4 began before 5 cut him off with, "Now before you ask, I have nothing to announce". They all hear a honk and turn to the car. Out from it steps Karen, followed by her 3 children, Zach, Katie and Cory alongside Meggy for some reason. "Hello Karen, good to see you've arrived. And there you are Zach, Katie,  Cory". 4 greeted, "And Meggy, why were you in Karen's car"?  3 asked. "Well, I was walking here, when Karen passed me. I didn't think much of it but then she doubled back and offered to take me to the castle. I decided to accept her offer. On the way over her phone rang and she pulled over to answer it. After a little she got back on the road and now I'm here". She said. "Given how she responded, I'm guessing that was you who called"?. Meggy guessed. "That would be correct". 4 said, then he asked "Do you have anything to announce"? "Yes I do, I'll tell you when it's my turn". She said. "Now do you"? she asked 4. "I can't tell you yet. It's a surprise". 4 replied, with a slight smile. "Is it about you and your boyfriend 3"? Meggy jested. 4's eyes widened. I have no idea what you're talking about". He said. But his thoughts were a bit more chaotic. "Alright does she actually know, or is she just joking with me. All right play it cool, don't let her see anything" "Whelp, that's everyone. And just in time to". 4 said. He cleared his throat and said a little louder "Alright everyone, time for the last monthly meeting between universes gather around in front of the stage". Everyone walks to stand in front of the stage, Melony leans against Axol's holding his hand tighter, the emerald in her engagement ring given by Axol sparkling in the early afternoon sunlight. "Alright now that's everyone one is here, SMG1 and 2 would like to share a discovery in memes they made". 4 introduced. 1 and 2 got up out of their chairs and walks to the stage. "We have discovered new developments in Meme research". 1 began. "Anti-cringe salt, go-back herb and further-beyond spice". 2 listed. "Anti-cringe salt removes cringe from a meme". Explained 1 "We have an example". 2 said pulling out a cringe meme. He takes out a small container "Sprinkle it on it and". the meme gets turned into a non-cringe meme. "See no cringe". 1 exclaimed. "Go back-herb and further beyond spice go in tandem with each other". 2 said "Go back-herb with each sprinkle It reverses whatever you sprinkle it on goes back one stage of power". 1 said. "And further-beyond-spice has the opposite effect". 2 finished. Some people clapped in the crowd as they went back to their seats. "Very useful thanks 1&2". 4 said "Now me and 3 have something to announce". 4 turned and whispered to 3 "Are you sure you're ready to do this"? "It's not like I will ever get any more ready then now"? 3 whispered back. 4 took a deep breath, and said the faithful words. "We're together. We have been since October".  He revealed. Everyone was quiet for a moment before Mario broke the silence. "FINALLY!! THE GAY ARE TOGETHER!!!" He shouted. As Happy as I am that they are together, no need to be like that". Meggy reprimanded.

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