CHAPTER 18 - Arthur Bryant

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Felix did not know what he expected when they arrived at Arthur's flat, but he certainly hadn't thought of going back to Australia.

But Arthur here, was nearly requesting him to do so.

"When Mr. Bryant left us, he took away all my birth certificates, my mother's identifications, her licence, her passport, everything. I don't know how or why, but he did. He also stole my mother's laptop. All other files have never been found either." Felix noticed how he called him "Mr. Bryant" instead of his father, but didn't comment anything. "I want you to find them. I'm sure he kept them in his flat back at Brisbane."


"You'll know soon, if you're lucky enough. Now get to work. If you find anything, call me, and don't dare hide anything." Arthur was almost threatening him. Almost. The other side of his voice was filled with desperation. Felix realised that maybe he was not the only one having family issues.

"Alright, if I do your work, will you help us?" Asked Felix.

Arthur nodded. Then they shook hands.

I have a long way to go. Felix said to himself.


Julian was late. Very late.

Sebastian stood in audience as he watched Valerie nervously looking around the place for any sign of him. She was holding onto the National Hunt horse that looked quite well trained. Still, he knew she needed him.

And the competition was definitely not easy to win. No matter what he said to convince her. Dahlia, who had arrived an hour before was trying to contact Julian along with Audrey, but it was useless.

Time was running out, they had seven more minutes left before starting.

Sebastian's phone started vibrating. He looked at the called ID.

Felix. Why the hell?

He swiped to accept ta call. The question was quick enough to throw him off balance. "Do you have time? I think I found something."

"Something for what?" What did he have to say? Sebastian had enough going on already.

"Valerie," that one name was enough to speed his heartbeat up. He excused himself from the group and then questioned him, moving away from the audience, "Spit it out, what is it?"

"I found someone who is very close to James Bryant, or rather, was. But that doesn't matter. What I have to say is that this person, will be enough to bring him down. But at a price. I can't tell you everything now, just wait until twenty-first of this month. I won't be available upto that time, so-"

"What do you mean? Don't talk in riddles brother, y-"

"Listen to me! If you don't want to lose Valerie like you lost me two years ago, do as I say." Sebastian stared at into thin air, dumbfounded. Every word of Felix seemed to create more confusion, but it sure made his heart stop.

Back then Felix was everything he needed. After the passing of their father, Felix and their mum was everything for him. But then he left, and Woodshire became an empty house with little emotions. Until he found Valerie, but with her, came back his brother. The lying brat, even a few months back, he was just in the past for Sebastian. But Valerie taught him to believe again, even though he didn't want to.

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