4|| Councilor Meeting

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Percy's POV
Im sitting in my cabin when all of a sudden, there's a knock on my door. I get up to open it and see Annabeth standing there. She tells me about a councilor meeting, so I walk out of my cabin and follow her to the big house. Upon arriving, everyone is already there, so we sit down and start.

"Okay, let's get down to business. Let's start off with the major problem. Everyone felt time slowing right?" Annabeth asks

"Yes." Everyone answers

"Great. Now the only being that can slow time is Kronos, but he's in pieces. He would have to possess someone or pass on his domains for that to happen." She says "So, does anyone know anything?"

Shit. I've managed to get figured out in the first day of getting these new powers. How am I supposed to keep this a secret if they already suspect me? No doubt Jason told them about whatever it is made him look at me the way he did. It was probably my eyes if we're being honest, but what am I supposed to do? I found out I have golden eyes this morning and I'm supposed to hide them? I don't think so. So naturally, when Annabeth asks this, I lie.

"Personally, I don't know anything about the whole time slowing thing, but what I do know is if we have to fight another war, I'm gonna lose it." I say and Jason glares at me

"I agree with Prissy." Clarisse says

"I always hated that one. Ares children are the worst." Kronos says

"Agreed." I say telepathically

"Obviously something's up, but we can't exactly do anything about it. The gods won't care and there's no prophecy, so all we can do is wait." Conner says

"Something's up with them. They seem suspicious." Kronos says

"How would you know that?" I ask

"I have my ways." Kronos says I shake my head gaining the attention of Annabeth

"Something to add, Percy?" She asks

"Something isn't right about this." I say trying to come up with something "Kronos knows he'd never get back to his true form, so what's the point of possessing someone? Also we don't even know if it's Kronos. It could be the other 2 gods of time. What were their names?"

"Aion and Kairos. But they aren't true gods of time. Their domains associate with time, but Kronos is the main one." Annabeth explains

"Shouldn't he be sleeping though?" Leo asks "Like you guys cut him up good during the war, so shouldn't he be in an eternal slumber or something. Like, what his name? Typhon."

"I don't know. Something is happening though, and we have to stay alert." Annabeth says

"What if he's fading." Nico says

"What?" Everyone asks

"Well, when gods fade their domains run wild. This is, unless they choose someone to take them over. If Kronos is fading then his domains should be getting harder to control thus making time randomly slow. If he were to fully fade, well, space and time would probably collapse in on itself." He explains

"This is making everything harder. You have to be extra careful now." Kronos says

"Of course. I have to get the whole eye thing under control. I think that's how Jason found out." I says and he agrees

"Well, since we don't know anything, I guess we should just wait. If you find anything out tell us immediately." Annabeth says

We all leave the big house and go off to dinner. All throughout dinner, I'm telepathically talking to Kronos about how we are going to hide this. Obviously I can't practice with his domains here anymore because everyone will find out eventually, so I rubbed it in his face that I was right. So we talked about the whole dream thing.

I actually don't know if it will work, but we'll see. The idea is that we go into one of my demigods dreams and train the powers where no one can feel it. Theoretically, the knowledge I learn should pass on to my physical form making me able to do the things in real life that I do in the dreams. But what do I know.

I finish up dinner and hope that this actually works because I don't have any more options. When dinner ends, I go back to my cabin and get ready for bed before falling into a dream.

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